School Sucks

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"When I came back, he was gone and I don't even know why am I still waiting on the shore.  Waiting for him to come back."

(Y/n), it wasn't for long when they saw a school, a place where children were prisoned and forced to learn. (Y/n), they go first to find a way in since the front door is locked.

"This place is creepy." (Y/n) commented as she saw a bed sheet that was hanging from a window. The three nodded at each other as they finally find a way in, the (h/c) colored girl begin to climb as well, trying not to look down at her back.

Mono pulled out a helping hand to take her hand but this time she was closer to his face.

"Sorry." Mono apologized, he was sure lucky to have his mask on.

"No it's okay, it happens." She cleared her throat just to ease the mood up. Both of them have small tinted red on their cheeks, until Six fake coughs.

"Right, there must be a passage." Mono curiously looks everywhere to find a way to get in. He walks towards the switch to turn off the light and there's a small light loomed over at the lady's picture.

"I got it." (Y/n) volunteers and throws a small block and watched the picture falls on the wooden floor.

They got into another room, she guessed that it must the punishment room for the children or a good play to hide in. She takes a look at the small box that was filled with tools. A crumpled letter was hiding beneath it.

Dear Great Mother

Gordy here, It's been a while and I know that you are too worried for me. But, I swear to you that I am safe. With how I remember you taught us to survive and use our powers for good, I was able to take down a mob that looks like skeletons.

They are creepy, they are staring at the screen but there is no show going on. It may take some time to rescue me. But first of all, this place is so ugly. It's like Elizabeth's shoes, this place reeks with boredom and so old.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I know who is the one who took me into this place, and thank goodness I have escaped him. He looks like a walking noodle string, with a last season hat and clothes. It is like looking in an old man's closet.

I still need to avoid him at all costs, he looks stronger than me. HELP ME.

- Gordy

'Gordy right? I hope you're still surviving. It would be a pleasure to meet you, Gordy.'

(Y/n) folded the paper as it turns into small butterflies, and watched them flying away from her. She doesn't even know they are all watching her move.

Twilight Time (Mono x reader) discontinuedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt