Just A kid On Ice

Start from the beginning

"I tried! I tried to be a good older person, but this nincompoop is not only annoying and pathetic, he's so smug and stupid! I hate him! I want my Subaru back!" Emilia childishly spat out while glaring at the clown before her.

"Please just tryyyyy." Roswaal sighed and swiftly made for his seat and away from the glaring amethyst eyes of Emilia.

"Barusu," Ram regally picked the boy up with ease and placed him on his seat with an expression of indifference, it confused Subaru why Ram-sama acted so cold toward him when there were people around, but he couldn't care less since she was the best mentor when they were studying alone or with Beatrice present, she allows him to have candy whenever he was good.

"No batch of cookies for you today."

Forget that, Ram was just as evil as Emilia.

"Why?!" Subaru asked as he felt his heart shatter into pieces.

The pink-haired maid simply patted his head and smiled at him, "You must be punished for provoking another prank war with miss Emilia. You're a servant-to-be and you must show respect to your superiors."

"That's right!" Emilia took the opportunity to extend her tongue and taunt the heartbroken boy as he lost his rights to a cookie because he messed with her. Teach him, Ram-sama!

"And you, Emilia-sama. You mustn't let a simple child get on your nerves like this, you're a royal candidate that may take the throne of our kingdom, a simple child should be handled easily to an adult such as yourself, no more cake for you."

Forget that too, Ram-sama suuuucked.

"B-But... I understand, Ram-san. Thank you for the lesson." Seeing nothing but disappointment in the rigid maid's eyes, Emilia decided to sourly be an adult and take her losses.

For a moment, both Emilia and Subaru let their eyes wander to one another...

"This is all your fault!"

They shouted in their heads while gritting their teeth.

"– sigh – Aren't these two ever going to get along?" Frederica muttered dryly as she stood next to her lord and Ram.

"I don't think it's Subaru's fault really, but Emilia-sama isn't being much of a grown-up," Petra spoke out from behind the older maid as she finished sitting up the fireplace behind Roswaal's seat.

"What do you mean, Petra-chan? Subaru-sama has just as much of a responsibility in this situation since he keeps instigating Emilia-sama with his... pranks." The blonde beastwoman spat the last word dryly while glaring at the boy, remembering every instance where she had to clean up a mess he made for the past 3 days.


"Thank you for making me a hot bath, Frederica-san. I'm soooo tired from today's studying session, I just wish to relax."

"Of course, Emilia-sama's comfort is my job after all. Please call for me if there's a need, I will have your new clothes in my hands at the door."

"Thank you." Emilia whispered tiredly and went inside of the bathroom to-


"What's wrong Emilia-sama?!" Frederica shouted as she moved to enter the room, fearing the worst had happened.

As she entered, all she found was a horrified elf, stuck to the wall with her arm pointed towards the tub Frederica had prepared with hot water for the princess...

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