Chapter 12: New places and familiar faces

Start from the beginning

“So what do you want to play, C.O.D?” Trent asked looking up at me, then returning his focus back to the Xbox and placing a Cd into it, before getting back up and sitting beside me.

“You know me too well, even though I haven’t seen you since about five months ago” I said laughing a little at what just happened.

“Well after about 18 years of you being my best friend, I don’t think 5 months is going to do much” Trent replied stating the obvious

“So... tell about this so called hot girl and when do I get to meet her.” I said changing the subject.

“I was wondering how long it was going to take before you were going to ask.” Trent replied laughing.

“Wait she is not real?!?!” I said a little annoyed.

“ First of all yes she is real, but she is at school, secondly I met her but we don’t talk that much and she has seemed kind of down so I so I give her some space, but every afternoon she comes home from school gets changed in her room and goes outside, then she is either on the phone or reading a book.” Trent said filling me in on everything.

“Oh ok well I guess I will have to make the first step when she gets home.” I said trying to get Cara out of my mind, but as usual I can’t I haven’t been able to all day, and saying that just the felt so bad, I felt like I just betrayed her. God what am I going to do with these feelings.

“Yeah well you are going to have to wait until 3:30 that’s what time she gets to her house.” Trent said after a while pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Oh ok, now let’s start this game.” I said changing the subject and stopping the conversation at the same time.

We played a couple of different games on the Xbox than by the time we finished it was time for lunch. I convinced Trent go back into town with me and we got some Nando’s for lunch we then went to the beach to go for a bit of a surf but there was literally no swell, no waves what so ever or if there was they were tiny. So we decided to go back to his place and play some soccer in the back yard. By the time we got back to his place it was 2:30.

“Great so there is only one hour before I get to meet this so called ‘hot girl’” I said using air speech marks for hot girl.

“Yeah that is if you introduce yourself, hay if you do can you tell much of a great guy I am” Trent said holding his hands together as if he was praying at the end. I just gave him a cheeky smile hoping that, that will give him the answer he wants. Bit it didn’t

“Oh come on, use your words!” Trent said a little annoyed.

“Ok, yes fine I will make you look good.” I said rolling my eyes in a joking way. I still haven’t gotten Cara out of my mind, I’m starting to think I never will.

“Ok so I know it probably won’t help if I talk about it but I really want to know, have you really met a girl that you really like even though you only just met her?” Trent said changing the subject and looking down at the ground shyly as if I was about to yell at him.

“Yeah I have and did, it really sucks. I mean I can’t get her out of my mind no matter what I do, the only thing that I really look forward to of a day is skyping her.” I said looking down at the ground and preparing myself for whatever teasing Trent is going to do.

“Oh, so she is like the one of a kind girls, the ones that grab your attention but never see you again. You probably won't see her ever again you know” Trent said sorrow in his voice as he gently patted me on the back than continued to kick the ball back to me and I would kick it back to him.

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