"uh-what did he say?"

. . .


you were planning on taking a warm bath since you were incredibly sore from all the training you've been doing during your free time.  

that was going to happen until connie and jean asked you to follow them into their room for what they said was: an important meeting.

it was a bit suspicious but you ended up going. what's the worse they can do? prank you?

you sat on the stool in the corner of the room waiting for either boy to speak.

god you really wanted to take a warm bath.

"look (y/n) just to warn you...this conversation will be about eren." jean said taking a seat on the bed.

you freaked out for a second and stood up from the stool.

"he really misses you." connie's spoke.

you gave them a weird look. eren missing you wasn't going to be enough to make you see him.

"i'm sure your hurting... a lot! i mean eren did almost try to eat annie and from what i heard, you
really cared about her so that must've been a real pain in the heart."

you hummed. 

"—anyways were not trying to force you to see eren, were just trying to give you a reason not to ignore him."

"and what's the reason? you made this whole speech about how i'm hurting but not why i should see him? i'm mean i know i should but is now a good time? after everything that happened— you don't know what annie said to me before she... you know. everything just... confusing now."

they both looked at each other, confused. they wondered what annie could've told you to act like this. every time eren was injured you were always there forever, unconscionable or not.

"eren only thought of freedom when he almost ate annie. he thought that having more power would make it easier to take back wall maria. he thought it would've been easier for him to get freedom. for his friends, for him, for you.-

-he went on about wanting to finally take you to see the outside world. a peaceful one at least. he wants to take you to the ocean, swim in the water together while trying to catch these so called seashells. he wants to take you to the highest mountain to watch the sunrise—"

"he just wanted to give you a better life," connie interrupted, a deep sigh following after his words.

both boys were out of breath and looking at you desperately. they just really wanted eren to stop bugging them about you.

"look it's kind of you to do this for him but—"

"no buts (y/n)! absolutely not, we can't deal with him like this already! plus he's already admitted what he did was wrong and he wants to apologize so let him do that."

you made eye contact with them one by one and sighed. "of course i'll about it but you guys don't know."

"don't know what?" connie question, looking over at jean to see him he had any idea of what you meant but he just shrugged and looked back at you.

"it's more complicated than that. i already told you: annie started saying all these crazy things before everything went down at now i'm just confused so please, just give me some time."

. . .

"that's what they told me," you finished rather embarrassed about everything you told him.

"i really am sorry (y/n). you know i would never do something like that."

"i know don't worry about it. it still hurt but just understand, that's not the only reason why i wasn't talking to you."

eren propped himself on the bed and stared at you, a bit confused, "there was more than one?"

you hesitated for a second as went back to place the stool in the conner,  "i'll make you some food. lunch passed awhile ago so i'll just whip something up. it won't take me long."

"oh uh-yeah alright then. don't overwork yourself!" he smiled and waved, so you did too.

"this is delicious (y/n). i never knew you were such a good cook well, mikasa did tell me you made her breakfast once but i don't know if she just being nice."

"thanks eren. i'm glad you like it," you close-eyed
smiled at him.

with just that, he blushed.

'geez, i want to be with her already.' he mentally punched himself knowing all too well that you were in pain from losing annie.

he placed the fork back on his plate, swallowing whatever food that was left in his mouth, "i'm lucky to have someone like you in my life so thank you. thank you so much."

eren softly spoke, it was such a nice tone of words and even though he sounded calm while speaking, a pink dust rested over his cheeks.

it made you happy though, eren was always sweet.

· · ──────·本·────── · ·

the amount of times i rewrote this chapter is insane but anyways, it's time for eren and y/n to fall in love. slowly but surely! :) well maybe slowly?

lol i'm excited for the last chapter of the book. yes, i've already written it.

small teaser!! the title of the chapter is "final goodbyes" 😟 just wait because i have a lot in store for you guys!! 😁

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