"Huh, a statement?"

"Yes. You need to write down what happened in your perspective, or explain to me and I will report back."

Thinking about it for a second, Bakugou decided to go for the option of writing it down. Although it sounded bad, he would be able to think a little bit before he explained what 'happened'. He needed the lie to be the most believable it could be.

The statement he wrote went along the lines of.

'Bakugou Katsuki.

I was tired today because I woke up really early and did a lot of exercise. The training was really extreme, and I could have handled it, but I got a bit more tired and I passed out. It was a short blackout and I snapped out of it when I heard someone shout my name. I then blasted at the ground to soften the blow. Then I was taken to recovery girl who gave me a healing kiss.'

He had to put his signature, which was really just his full name in his handwriting, and a short, brief explanation of what happened in his own perspective.

He admitted to himself that he was scared of being viewed as weak for putting that he was tired from a little work out, but it was what he believed would be the most believable to the mouse-rat like thing of a head teacher they had.

He almost wanted to 'blackout' again as he witnessed his teacher reading the statement with raised unbelieving eyebrows, but what was he supposed to do?

Soon, he learned, from his form teacher, that some other classmates had to write statements of what they saw. The classmates that witnessed it from up close. Anxiety of some sort creeped up his gut when that bit of information was revealed to him, and he grew stressed. What if some over dramatic classmate like mina had to write a statement. He could only imagine that load of shit that would be written.

His teacher left the room, saying a formal sort of goodbye, whilst Katsuki sat on the tough mattress of the medical bay beds, anxiety crowding his head and taking over his thoughts.

He managed to grasp some sort of control over his thoughts and heart rate as the short, old woman, known as recovery girl entered the room with a very full plate of food, that was handed to him, right on his lap.

Seeing the woman, and hearing her remind him to eat properly like a mother, gave him memories of why and how his stomach pain had gone.

The stress and anxiety wracking his body made the food put Infront of him look irresistible and comforting.

As he thought deeply about why and how her quirk could've relived the pain in his lower stomach, he didn't even take into account the food he was practically inhaling. Not even making the effort to properly taste the food, he relished in the comfort he got from chewing food. The bread especially satisfied him and he quickly became addicted.

Soon enough, he was still deep in thought about the effects of recovery girl's quirk, as he reached down to the tray to pick up more food to stuff in his mouth, but his utensil came in contact with the solid unsatisfactory feeling of an empty plate.

Bakugou looked down at the speed of light, looking like a dead fish of the sight of a crumb covered plate on his lap.

"You must've been hungry young Bakugou, huh?"

With the same fish look on his face, he turned his view to the old woman and stuttered slightly, "D-did I really eat all that?"

Recovery girl had a confused look on her face, "Yes... That was a good portion of food for a teen that goes through a lot of training and missed lunch due to sleeping."

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