Hello there! (WAJIB BACA SI FIX)

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Hi guys sebelum ceritanya mulai gw mau bilang dulu kalo cerita ini mungkin slow update soalnya gw mau nyelesaiin first story gw dulu, gw nulis cerita ini biar ga ilang dari otak soalnya ide gw suka tiba tiba ngilang dan dateng dengan sendirinya. Kaya dia si orang special.g ok back to the topic!

So i wrote this story after i listened to a very very good songs and i was inspired to make a story based on that song's🎶

Hope u guys enjoyed the story and i am very sorry if u feel strange about this story, this story completely inspired by the song and from point of view of the songs, so yup.

I'm not a reliable writer like other story writers, i'm just starting to write because my brain is already full of these outrages, so i decided to write a story here, so as i said earlier sorry if for example the story is a bit strange because I STILL NEWBIE;)

Jadi sebenernya cerita ini terinspirasi dari⬇️

Jadi sebenernya cerita ini terinspirasi dari⬇️

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Inspired by:
SOLO - Jennie
BETTER - Yoon ft. Mino (winner)
Love scenario - IKON

Kelamaan gasi ngomongnya? Yodah HERE IT IS!


BETTER than SOLO {REVISI}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt