The start of a journey

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Ava's POV
Beep beep beep beep beep

The shrill tone of the alarm rang through the room on the chilly day of Seattle, awaking Ava from where she had been previously been sleeping peacefully. She sat up groggily and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes reaching for the snooze button to stop the violent onslaught of the alarm on her ears. "Uggggh" she groaned when she looked at the time "why did I have to want to be a surgeon, why not a teacher? Or a zookeeper? Damn surgeon mother, this is your fault you know you bitch" she whispered to herself as she climbed from the covers whimpering slightly as the cold air hit her skin.

She half-walked half-dragged herself into the shower, yawning loudly as she went. After her shower she curled her long blonde hair before pulling it into a half-up half-down hairstyle, wrapped herself in a towel and went to find Meredith, she didn't want to be late on her first day.

"Meredith....Meredith where are you" she shouted, "We're going to be late". She was met by a loud crash followed by many muffled curses. "Meredith" she shouted again as she walked into kitchen busying herself making two cups of coffee. She grabbed a cup to take to Meredith and ran upstairs, she entered Meredith a room where she collided with a tall brown-haired man. "Hi" he said steading himself against the wall. "Um...Hi? Have you seen my sister Meredith?" Tightening the towel against her body now painfully aware of how little she was wearing. " I think she's in the shower" he said gesturing behind him, "I should go" he said quickly running towards the door.

She stood their shocked for a few seconds before placing a cup of coffee outside the shower for Meredith. Ava ran back to her room and went to find something to wear, eventually settling in a short red dress and a pair of heels, grabbing some trainers to change into later. She grabbed her outfit and went to the bathroom to change, the glinting of the metal on the scales in the corner of the bathroom caught her eye. She ran to the scales, took a deep breath and stepped on.


She sighed turning to the mirror and poking her body, noticing how her arms jiggled slightly as she moved. This wasn't right, she had to be perfect Ava thought to herself.

She changed and ran downstairs where she finally met up with Meredith, who was late as always. "Hey Mer" she greeted, "are you excited for out first day?", "also seriously, we my just moved here and your already hooking up with someone" she said with a look towards her. "Hey Ava, I didn't plan on it, it just kinda happened." She answered before heading out the door . "He was dreamy though" she added as an afterthought as they got in the car.

Meredith parks the car in a parking spot at Seattle Grace hospital and the two sisters got out. Ava waited for a second before grabbing her sisters hand and running inside an eager glimmer in her eye.

Ava dragged her sister down the twisting corridors of the hospital until they reached the intern locker room. They found their lockers which by look we're right next to each other and changed into their scrubs.

Looking around Ava layed eyes on a group of people. One a boy with scruffy light brown hair and green eyes who looked utterly terrified. Another brown haired boy who was already acting like he owned the place, and two girls. One a black haired girl she though heard someone call Christina and a blonde girl who honestly should be a model, she thinks her name is Izzie.

Ava looked over at the group with fear in her eyes as if the magnitude of the day had finally hit her. Sensing her sisters fear Meredith grabbed her hand "it's okay Avie, their scared too" she whispered into her sisters ear pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear before grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the group.

It had always been this way, in school people often mistook them for twins. It was like they were telepathic they always seemed to know what the others was thinking and both had a six sense for if something was wrong with the other. They were inseparable Meredith and Ava, Misty and Avie. Everyone knew not to pick on Ava because she was younger or they'd have to face the wrath of Meredith, not that she couldn't fight her own battles that is.

Meredith or Misty as named by Ava was her was her rock. She couldn't bear to think of where she would be without Misty by her side. Misty raised her when no one else would, her dad left when she was a baby and everyone knew her mother's story. Having a famous surgeon as a mother isn't all it's cracked up to be.

She was always the unwanted one, Ava never knew why. Her mother was always harsher on Ava but even in the darkest days she knew that Misty would always be by her side. Ava quickly grew used to being seen as a disappointment to her mother, at first she tried to make her proud she joined every club and always got full marks leading her to becoming a child genius and being moved up to be in a class with Meredith. But it still was never enough. Now as an adult she always had to be perfect, even if achieving perfection killed her, she had to do it. Everything she does she can still hear her mother's voice in her head telling her she's a disappointment. But she picks herself up, and remembers that next time she has to do better, next time she has to be better...

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