Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head- Part 1

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Ava stood there mouth agape watching the scene unfolding in front of her.
"How could you not tell me you're married!?!!" Meredith screamed at Derek
"Meredith, Meredith wait" Derek said grabbing her arm
"Get off me" she shouted pulling her arm out of his grip before running away to the pit.

Ava watched as Derek turned to Addison angrily. How could he do this to her she wondered. No one hurt her sister. With that thought in her head she marched over to the pair.
"How dare you!" Ava shouted at Derek
" I always knew you were a coward, but I had no idea you were an adulterous coward. Your a liar and a cheat, and you hurt my sister." She continued
"Your an ass Derek Sheperd" she finished turning to look him, venom in her eyes.

"And who are you to turn up here?" She asked now turning to look at Addison.
"If you were married then why weren't you here before, where have you been all this time!?" She said angrily looking at the gorgeous woman in front of her. Ava went to continue until she looked into the woman's eyes and saw what looked to be hurt. Maybe it was her who was the wronged woman here, did she even know her husband was cheating on her? she wondered.
"Never come near me again!" Ava screamed for a final time at Derek before turning to leave and follow Meredith. One quick glance behind her she saw Derek standing there dejectedly looking like a kicked puppy.


Ava found her sister in floods of tears hiding in one of the on-call bloods. She hugged her close and held her as her sister cried.

Ava held her sister hiccuping loudly her face swollen from crying. She lied her sister the bed then lied down next to her keeping her close. Meredith cried silently into her sister side. The two sisters fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms both getting comfort from each other, just being together was enough.

"Addison, what are you doing here?" Asked Derek turning to her angrily.
"Your hairs different" she answered Ignoring his angry tone.
"A lot of things are different" he replied sharply
"It's longer. I like it. It's very Russell Crowe." Addison said going to run her hands through his hair
"What are you doing here?" He asked her moving back to avoid her hands
"What are you doing here? You just pick up and leave everything? Your house, your practice, your friends? You had a life in Manhattan." She said angrily
"Had" he replied stiffly
"And now you have a girlfriend in Seattle. She seems sweet." She said
"The ice you're on. Thin." He said annoyed
"She's young. That whole wide-eyed, ooh he's-a-brain-surgeon thing happening, but still sweet. Which was what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison?" She said " that blonde one though, her sister was it? I liked her she was fiery" she finished.
"If you came out here to try and win me back, forget about it." He said
"I did. I flew all the way across the country to reminisce over wedding photos, get drunk, fall into bed, and make you realize you can't live without me. Relax. Derek, I'm here for work. I'm helping the TTTS case you guys admitted last week and from Richard's briefing, I should be" she told him
"Richard, he knew you were coming out here?" He questioned looking angry again
"He asked me to come. Didn't he tell you?" She questioned
"No. He didn't" he said stiffly
"Hmm. Surprise. The hair, though. You know I've always had a thing for Russell Crowe." She finished before walking off her red hair cascading down her back as she went.


Ava, Alex and Izzie found themselves together in the intern locker room changing out of their scrubs. George had punched him after finding out he was the one who gave Olivia syphallis.
"Let me see it." Said Ava looking at Alex's eye "No lacerations, minimal swelling. George really knocked you around." She said.
"He's a lightweight. Could've pinned him in a second if I wanted." Alex said
"Yeah, so why didn't you?" Asked Izzie not believing him
"Are you kidding? I'm riding a career in Plastics all the way to the bank. Can't afford to injure these babies." He said holding up his hands "Especially over some one like O'Malley." He said.
"You had it coming" Izzie told him
"The dude punches like my sister" said Alex still clearly embarrassed
"Oh! So, by your definition then you got beat up by a girl." Ava said laughing.

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