Types of Self Harm Part One

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THIS CHAPTER WAS VERY HARD FOR ME TO WRITE. Please proceed with caution.




"Most people who have these types of addictions, who self-injure tend to be perfectionists, are unable to handle intense feelings, are unable to express their emotions verbally, have dislike for themselves and their bodies, and can experience severe mood swings."

"They may turn to self-injury as a way to express their feelings and emotions or as a way to punish themselves."

--  "This type of self-injury involves making cuts or scratches on your body with any sharp object including knives, needles, razor blades or even fingernails. The arms, legs and front of the torso are most commonly cut because they are easily reached and easily hidden under clothing."
               --  Cutting can lead to addiction and it isn't something you can easily stop.
               --  People often will cut places of their body that are easier to hide
                              --  arms, legs, torso
--  "It can become a compulsive behavior — meaning that the more a person does it, the more he or she feels the need to do it. The brain starts to connect the false sense of relief from bad feelings to the act of cutting, and it craves this relief the next time tension builds."

Hair Pulling
--  "This is an impulse control disorder which at times seems to resemble a habit, an addiction, or an obsessive compulsive disorder."
--  "The person has an irresistible urge to pull out hair from any part of their body."
--  Hair pulling on the scalp often leads to bald spots which people cover up using various materials/items.
               --  hats, scarves, headbands, wigs

--  "burning self with a hot object"
--  Seeing the mark from a burn, may give these people the same satisfaction that people who cut get when they see blood.

Friction Burning
--  Speedily rubbing an object on your skin to make it burn
               --  erasers, pencils, pain brushes, hair brushes, tooth brushes, books, office supplies, lids, plastic, etc.

Skin Picking
--  "Picking at skin or re-opening wounds"
--  "an impulse control disorder characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one's own skin, often to the extent that damage is caused which relieves stress or is gratifying."
               --  "Many compulsive skin picking causes are emotional or mental."
                              --  "Emotional trauma can lead to feelings of helplessness and insecurity."

--  Hitting/kicking yourself with your arms, legs, or any object

Bone Breaking
--  Breaking your own bones by doing various dangerous activities
               --  can be "forgetting" protective gear or "forgetting" to look before crossing the street.
               --  can be crushing your bones with any large/heavy/firm object(s)
               --  can be breaking your bones using your own strength
                              --  forcefully breaking your fingers, toes, etc.

-- Hitting yourself to the point of such severeness that you cause bruising or internal bleeding

--  "more often seen with autism or severe mental retardation", head banging is another common form of self-harm where you repeatedly bang your head against a hard object(s).
               --  walls, cupboards, cabinets, book shelves, drawers, dressers, railings, etc

Excessive Piercing/Tattooing
               --  "may also be a type of self-injury, especially if pain or stress relief is a factor"

Self Poisoning 
--  "Drinking harmful chemicals"
--  Knowingly consuming any harmful/non-edible substances 

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