Why? Part One

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Self harm can be caused by many things: Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, etc.

It can be a reliable coping mechanism. Though, not a healthy one.

Some people harm themselves as a way to punish themselves for many things that they may have placed the blame on themselves for. 

Self harm can be an unhealthy distraction from anything going on in your life. 

It is never healthy to harm yourself and it is never the best option. Most people don't see that. 

Over time, it becomes an addiction and you can't just stop. You can't tell people to stop harming themselves and expect them to instantly be better. You also can't force them.

When people harm themselves, it's usually a distraction from something else going on in their life. So, rather than forcing them to stop, try to understand what that other thing may be. If you can solve that problem first, it may be easier to stop the addiction. 


The chapters will go more and more in-depth as time goes on. It's a heavy topic and I don't want to overwhelm anybody. 

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