patrol pt 2

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It was the same thing the entire week it was now Saturday the final day of patrolling. Throughout the week Kyoka, and her group had fought 3 villains and gained minor injuries like a bruises but it wasn't that bad.

That friday Edgeshot decided it'd be a good idea to patrol the outer city. So they took a different route.

Kaminari and Jiro walking side by side chatting just behind the pro that was watching them the entire week. Shiozaki, and komori silently talking as they walked behind Jiro, and kaminari.

"What happened with the whole kaminari thing?" Komori asked the vine headed girl.

"Nothing, why?" Shiozaki turned to her friend.

"I dunno. Any upcoming dates?" Komori questioned.

"No not that I know of but I should probably ask I'll just text him later I guess" shiozaki stretched her arms back as her mind ran. He was a nice guy, but he just wasn't my type she thought to herself, As much as she tried to catch feelings that connection just wasn't there.

"Well him and Jiro seem to be close. dont ya think?" Komori whispered, not loud enough for the two infront to hear.

"Ah, yes their friends, kaminari always tells me that when he talks about her" Shiozaki replied.

"Hmm okay, but let me know how it goes with kaminari later" komori replied before putting her hand behind her back.

"Will do" shiozaki, simply replied.

Awhile after that conversation the two caught up to the 1 A students, kaminari now being in the middle of Jiro and shiozaki.

Suddenly, Jiro stopped.

"WATCH OUT" she yelled.

Kaminari immediately tackled shiozaki to the ground, saving her from getting hit by a flying sword it was coming from the alleyway, Jiro was warning them about.

The two tumbled in circles on the ground stopping with kaminari on top of shiozaki.

"Are you okay?" He quickly sat up to face the alleyway.

Edgeshot wasn't hit by the sword either he managed to dodge it thanks to the purple haired girl, Jiro was standing, Staring at kaminari and shiozaki she had managed to hear something from the alleyway, and warned the others about it just in time.

Shiozaki layed on the floor a bit surprised, shocked really, but she quickly stood back up.

Suddenly a man appeared, coming out of the alleyway.

"What's this a pro hero and a couple of UA students?" The man laughed.

"Everyone stay back we dont know his quirk yet" Edgeshot ordered.

The man stood their laughing and suddenly a big wave a wind came out of no where.

Kaminari grabbed on to the closes thing which was a pole in a attempts to not get blown away.

"I see! His quirk is probably air manipulation" Shiozaki covered herself in Vines.

"Smart girl I see" the man chuckled. The sword that was on the ground started to fly getting sucked up in the wind.

And from there more objects started to get picked up, and before they knew it all of the objects started to charge for each of them.

Kaminari and shiozaki manage to dodge most of the objects luckily they were only hit with small rocks,  Jiro had managed to dodge for the most part, but a knife scraped her face. Just under her eye causing a cut, it was deep enough for her to bleed but she'd live. Even if it was shallow, kaminari was pissed.

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