Wowowow Sportz Festival pt. 4????

Start from the beginning

Hardon: how would you know that?

ARMZ: I go to a lotta clubs
ARMZ: shit takes forever to scrub off

Ladie: and you think I'm perverted

ARMZ: I fucking pay hard workers doing their jobs, you prey on children. We are not the same.

Ladie: yah, "hard workers"

Hardon: okay wait bullshit
Hardon: you're halfway to being a prostitute yourself
Hardon: you literally fondled yourself to get free snacks

Ladie: I'm a hard working hero

Hardon: sorry babe but you're like completely wrong here

ARMZ: holy shit
ARMZ: what is that??

Hardon: uhh
Hardon: it's...
Hardon: goo??

Ladie: it's pink.

Hardon: okay then pink goo

ARMZ: oh wait explody is out now

Ladie: that looked well- practiced

Hardon: well they do class sparring
Hardon: I wonder if they'd let us fight the kids..
Hardon: for training, of course

Ladie: who's creepy now

ARMZ: I think I'm the only stable one of the both of you

Hardon: you're addicted to strippers and booze

ARMZ: which is both legal and respectful, shut up

Ladie: oh fuck
Ladie: that's gonna leave a scar

Hardon: shit no kidding
Hardon: blasty's got a powerful ass quirk

ARMZ: he should learn to control it better

Ladie: r u kidding??
Ladie: that's badass

Hardon: dude he just burnt half his classmate's chest
Hardon: it is a lil op

Ladie: nah
Ladie: oh look, he's getting back up!

ARMZ: how???

Hardon: uh
Hardon: vindictive will?

Ladie: ugh it's his support items
Ladie: a fucking jet pack? R u kidding?

Hardon: I thought u liked him

Ladie: I mean,,,,

ARMZ: seriously, one more comment and I'll fucking arrest you

Ladie: freedom of speech, bitches

Hardon: GUYS

ARMZ: they're fighting in the sky???

Ladie: ooo it's like New Year's
Ladie: looks like fireworks

ARMZ: looks like permanent damage and skin grafts

Ladie: i mean yeah
Ladie: but it looks so cool!

New Chat

Aizawa: Nedzu give us back control over the microphones
Aizawa: we need to stop the match right now

Nedzu: but it's just getting good!

Aizawa: Nedzu. Izuku is getting hurt
Aizawa: very badly
Aizawa: let us end the match
Aizawa: I'm not asking anymore

Nedzu: I fail to see how stopping the match will help Midoriya- kun in the long run
Nedzu: it'll just stop more heroes from seeing what he's capable of

Aizawa: he's also capable of dying
Aizawa: and his old injuries weren't even 100% yet
Aizawa: now.

Nedzu: hmm

Hizashi is online

Hizashi: NEDZU

Nedzu is offline

Aizawa: thank you


Ladie- Mt. Lady
ARMZ- Death Arms
Hardon- Kamui Woods

Ladie: awww they stopped the match

Hardon: dude the quirkless kid looks like he's ab to die

ARMZ: they should have stopped it much sooner

Ladie: but it was just getting good!

Hardon: ..okay fair point

ARMZ: ????????

Hardon: not surprised the quirkless kid lost tho

Ladie: yeah coulda called that

ARMZ: unfortunately I agree
ARMZ: he never stood a chance

Ladie: shit he's kinda fucked up

Hardon: fucked up?
Hardon: he got blasted across the stadium and half his damn torso charred off
Hardon: they're carrying him off on a stretcher

Ladie: okay but that's only cuz blasty somehow blew up his jet pack

ARMZ: damn support items
ARMZ: more trouble than they're worth

Hardon: see this is why quirkless people can't be heroes
Hardon: they're too fragile
Hardon: and what good can they do if they rely on faulty machinery?
Hardon: what if that kid got killed?

Ladie: amen.

ARMZ: ikr

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