Where it all started! -4

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Jenny looked at Mrs. Mweni Obachi with confusion.
Mrs. Mweni patted Jenny shoulder as though to reassure her all was well then continued, "Let me elaborate a bit as I can see you have questions. Sharon joined us a few months after Harry completed his rehabilitation program. Back then, Harry was a volunteer and still trying to figure out if he wanted to go back to his previous life and be an engineer or stay as a community worker. Sharon on the other hand was confident being in the community was what she wanted. They became friends, and I think shortly after something started to grow and they became really close. Everyone in the organization including a few community members actually believed they were a couple, in fact even I thought the same."
Mrs. Obachi seemed deep in thought as she took a water break. Jenny had so many questions to ask about the revelation Mrs. Obachi was disclosing. She however did not give her a chance to ask any questions. As soon as she had a glass of water she held her hand up to stop Jenny from spilling all her thoughts onto her about her narration and continued.
"I remember as though it was yesterday when Harry came to me during one of the bible study sessions at the rehabilitation for advice. He was inspired that someone who has been through so much hardship at a tender age wanted to help others rather than feel sorry for herself. Sharon had become his motivation and he made his decision to take a short course on community service and drug rehabilitation and joined the organization full time. Months later when Sharon was almost done with her attachment and was offered an opportunity to work for the organization, things changed. Harry had just approached me to ask about making serious commitments. We had become really close and he always talked to me. After that talk on commitment, he never came back to talk. And how he looked at Sharon changed. Sharon turned down the offer and took a field posting to Voi instead. I am still convinced that the commitment talk with Harry and Sharon's move to Voi is related but any matter on the counseling office is not open for discussion it's the organizations' policy and at that time they were both seeing sister Anna. I know it's a lot of speculation on my part since the two never declared themselves a couple which is also organization policy when colleagues are dating. Nonetheless, I thought you need to have that info as you quest to assist them maybe it will give some sort of foundation to start on. Am not answering any questions concerning what I just shared with you, but you can write them down and they will be your guide as you try to sort them out." Mrs. Obachi let go of Jenny's hands as a sign she was done.
Jenny could see what she had just shared was a matter that was close to her heart. She was quiet for a while and calculated her thoughts and words planning what to say next.
"Thanks a lot for sharing that. It will be very helpful. I have a dozen questions, but I honor your request not to answer any. However, I need to know why you feel I have limited time to assist them to sort their issues" Jenny asked making pauses and hoping Mrs. Obachi could enlighten her more.
"The administration is worried the situation between the two is affecting their respective support groups in the community. Sister Anna requested the administration to let them work together but their situation is getting other employees wondering and the management feels though they want to honor Sister Anna's request they may not renew one of their contracts. Come end year one will be transferred or requested to render a courtesy resignation as their contracts are bound to your project. However, a whisper from one of the disciplinary committee members, if you get them to continue working smoothly and reduce the public angry stares they will be allowed to stay on the project to its completion then one will be transferred or let go," Mrs. Obachi said. Jenny could see tears welling up her eyes she placed her hands onto Mrs. Obachi's to comfort her and after a pause to recomposed herself, she continued, "Dear, these kids are very helpful and a great motivation in this community if one of them leaves my heart won't be the only one broken and a lot of progress will be deterred in their support groups so for all our sakes, I hope you succeed to get through to them, God speed my child." After that Mrs. Obachi wiped tears off her face gave Jenny a hearty hug and left in a hurry without giving Jenny time to react.
Jenny was overwhelmed by all the information she had got and the fact that now her efforts to help Sharon and Harry had a timer on it just gave her pressure. She needed a new game plan fast and one that would work. Failure at that point was definitely not an option.

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