"Rain, you can't be serious-"

"Seven, he'll kill you and probably capture me if he saw us. He knows Squeaks will lead him to you since you two are buddies. He'll follow her just to get to you," Rain answered back.

"No, she's not doing it. Besides, how will she even know what to do? You said you didn't know Rat,"

"I can try! I could try a blend between raccoon and rabbit and see if that works,"

"You're absolutely insane, you know that?" Seven growled, before shaking his head and took a breath. "Fine, but if she gets hurt, I get to kill him without you holding me back."

"Who said I would stop you?" Rain said with a small snicker. "But, in all honesty, don't kill him please. Now, let's see if this works."

Seven watched as Rain crouched down to get to Squeaks' height, beginning to make noises Seven could only describe as an owl being hit by a train underwater and drowning in said water around it.

Needless to say, he didn't blame Squeaks when she stared at his sister like she had grown a second head. She shook her head, tilting it. "Squeak squea?"

"Rahh rararah, click, maaah,"

"Squeak squeak sque."

Rain got up, smiling with a look of triumph. "She said yes in raccoon and something about turtles in rabbit," she chimed. Seven was caught off guard, eyes widening.

"There's no way in hell she understood you," he sputtered out, looking over to Nosebleed to see if she had his back. Instead, he saw the other smiling, ignoring the very strange event that had just occurred.

"Now, your second question. We can move a bunch of TVs, they won't be too hard with all of us pushing on them, but we better try and start now. They'll attack tomorrow night, you two need to hide before anyone else finds you," Nosebleed stated, looking over to the bushes she had come out of.

Seven shook his head. "Wait, the explosives. What about them? Where are they?"

"Oh, right. They're putting them in the back of that truck the rebellion stole from the Hunter a few days ago. Before I left, they said something about a bridge to get it across instead of driving it through the water and possibly ruin them," Nosebleed answered. Seven wasn't sure if it was the inner fire lover in him or the fact the plan was actually pretty smart, but it didn't sound safe one bit.

"The Molotovs will break if they aren't secured probably. Not to mention I used a grease as the basing, so there's a good chance that once they try attacking the city, the rain isn't going to out them out for a while and probably hurt a lot of innocent lives in the process. The water from the overflowed river won't hurt them, but it gives us a chance to cut them off if needed," Seven stated, his voice blunt as he shared his thoughts.

"We can talk about that next time. You two need to get going," Nosebleed cut him off, though did give him a small nod as to back up her opinion on his statement.

The two siblings nodded back to her, Rain reaching and giving Nosebleed one last hug. "Be careful out there. I imagine he's already appointed you as Oracle, it's against the founder's rules to not name another Oracle by midnight," she mumbled to her.

Nosebleed nodded her head. "I will, if he tries anything I'll take care of it. You two stay safe, we'll meet up at the beach tomorrow at dawn and get ready for the attack."

With that, she left back into the bushes, the sound of soft chattering from her and whoever she was with (Five if Seven remembered right).

Rain turned to her brother. "We can camp out near the beach, I know where a small hidden cave is down by it," she said in a hushed voice.

The Rat in The SignalWhere stories live. Discover now