Chapter 19

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We're in the home stretch now, baby! Let's goooo

I'm so happy I can finally start revealing stuff now-

Rat squeaking, human speaking


"War? As in planning to attack them?" Seven asked. What was he saying, of course it means exactly that! "Do they even have their supplies ready?"

Nosebleed nodded her head. "Bread has been working on explosives ever since you left. From what I saw, one stray flame and the entire forest would probably explode," she explained.

Seven gave a small groan, running a hand in his rough brown hair. "I still can't believe he left that idiot in charge," he whispered, before taking a sigh, "I bet he didn't even add half of the ingredients I packed in those things, which probably is going to make them more dangerous."

Nosebleed shook her head, stopping him. "We'll get onto that in just a second, but first."

She looked over to Rain, turning her attention to the Oracle. "Mono isn't happy about you either, but he said he was willing to forgive you if you come back now with Seven's head."

The statement made Seven feel uneasy suddenly. So it's come that, huh, bag boy? Try and manipulate again?

"Well, he can suck it up. I'm not going back," Rain said with a small growl under her breath. Seven looked over to her, giving a small sigh of relief. He should have more trust in her, but the effects of manipulation and emotional abuse couldn't be ignored.

He knew victims of abuse normally would wind their way back to their abuser, who would normally guilt trip them into coming back to them. He had the faint memory of his mother and father being in the same situation, along with the fuzzy memories of being at a different house for a short length of time, possibly their mother trying to hide from him.

Now, here his own sister had to avoid the manipulation from someone they once saw as their best friend and former Commander.

"Seven? Hello? Earth to, Sev." Rain waved her hand in his face, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked at her for a heartbeat, worry and guilt coiling around him. If he had fought harder, or tried to knock Mono out, maybe none of this would have happened... Rain won't be in such a horrible state and the rebellion would still be a safe place for future kids to hide in.

But, now what's the time to wallow in shame. They may still have a chance to fix it. "What did you say?" He asked.

Rain turned her head to Nosebleed, nodding to her in acknowledgement. "We may have an idea as to how to maybe fix all of this."

Nosebleed took the lead with whatever they had discussed. "Rain explained to me about the corruption at the feast and about the journals. She also told me her theory of Mono being like a lighting rod with the transmission from the signal tower,"

"Every time a TV is on, he's immediately transfixed on it and pulled to tune it. Not to mention he can manipulate it to where he can bend the transmission to his own will."

"Okay, and?" Seven scoffed lightly. "That's already known info on him. What's your point on it?"

Rain gave a small smile. "What if we overload him?"

Seven turned to his sister, crossing his arms. "How exactly?" He asked with in a short snap. Who knew how long they had until some other kids found them, they couldn't just talk over stuff all night.

"With the TVs! If we can find a huge stack of them and get him to follow us there, we can overload him with the transmission," Rain explained.

"So basically fry his brain? Not a bad idea, but what gave you the idea he'll follow us after everything and not kill us the second he sees us? Better yet, where are we going to a whole stack of TVs?" The boy in blue challenged. Rain pointed over to Squeaks, Seven following to where she pointed, putting two and two together.

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