Chapter 21: Not Like This

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"And why do you need protection from me little mate?" 

"I said stop calling me that! And because!"


"Just because!"

"Parker leave, but stand outside, seems my mate feels…. safer when you're around. Now Come here!" I just stand there. Did he really just say come here like I'm a dog! This is the second time I've been made to feel like a dog. So i go and sit on the bed with my arms folded. 

"You're so Infuriating!!"

"Pot meet kettle!" I smarm at him

He stomps over to me with a piece of paper in his hand and a little vial of clear liquid, and I start to panic, what's going to happen? Am I ready for this?

"I need to use the bathroom first" I jump up and practically run in there, slamming the door and locking him out. 

"What are you doing?" He growls

"I just need a few minutes to breath and think. I can't do that around you, Just….give me a minute!" 

I hear another growl of annoyance, well too bad I need to prepare myself for when it comes off. How's he going to react? Especially as I'm still in heat! I'm starting to feel like I'm burning up again. So I quickly strip everything off to take a very quick cold shower. When I'm out I dry myself then pick my clothes up off the floor and as quick as I can i get dressed and get back out there. I don't think I'm going to be prepared at all, no matter what I do. And the shower soothed the burn while I was in there but I'm heating back up, fast. 

"Finally, I thought you wanted that off?"

"Alright chill. Come on then don't just sit there." Growling at me, he makes his way over.

"Hold your hand out" He demands. I do and he pours the liquid over the bracelet while he finishes reading the piece of paper. He puts that down and takes my wrist in both hands. He looks at the bracelet and slides his fingers over it, as if looking for something. He must find what he's looking for as he looks me in the eye and says

"soulmate dimittere mei ad me" 

When there's a spark and click sound he takes his hand away so he's no longer touching me and with a light thud the bracelet falls to the floor. 

"Wh-what did you say? What does it mean?"

"It's Latin for 'release my soulmate to me' it wouldn't have worked if you weren't mine" He says as his fingers lightly brush mine and I feel a huge spark that sets my body alive and I feel something burst out of me making me gasp. 

All of a sudden his eyes start to rapidly change from the brown iv been accustomed to, to a burnt amber. I take a step back not knowing what's happening. He looks like he's having an internal battle.
Then his eyes snap to mine and he looks like a predator.


My hands fly to my neck and it's not there! Fuck. 

"It must have ended up under the unit when I had a shower. Why?" 

I'm about to run for the door and get Parker when I see the internal battle is over as his eyes have stopped flickering and are now settled on his wolf. He steps towards me with a wolfish look on his face. And in a deep unrecognisable voice says

"Go ahead and run little mate. I'm the one in charge here! He can't have you. Your mine."

What's he on about? In charge of what? Who can't have me. I'm like a deer caught in headlights. My own internal battle waging on, do I fight or take flight.

My Alpha KingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant