𝟬𝟵 || 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲

Start from the beginning

You managed to muster up a small smile at him, and he left the room.

Making your way into the bathroom, you stripped off and into a towel, filling the bathtub with water. Once it was full, you climbed in, soaking in the warmth and washing yourself with a vanilla-scented soap. Dampening your hair, you rinsed it through with shampoo and conditioner before laying back in the tub and letting your muscles relax.

When the water had began to turn cold, you climbed back out again and dried off, changing into your pyjamas. It worried you when you returned to the room to see that Jean was still gone, without telling you where he had went.

After drying your hair with the towel, you lay down in your bed, your mind remaining in denial over your mother's callous confession.  Breaking you out of the trance, the door opened, revealing Jean's tall frame, holding a tray.

"Sorry if I was gone a while.  I just went to get you a little something.". He approached your bedside.

Laying the tray over your lap, he uncovered it to be a tray of food: a grilled cheese sandwich paired with a slice of cake.

"I went downstairs to the dining hall, and got you something to eat.  It seems the chef here is a master in comfort food," he smiled proudly.

"...Jean, you didn't have to.  I really can't accept this," you replied, your heart warmed by his gesture.

"Please y/n, after today, after everything, it's the least I could do for you," he insisted.  He rested an easy hand on your shoulder as you stared down at the plates of delicious-looking food.

"Thank you so much, Jean.  At least share it with me though, I don't want you going hungry either."  You finally broke into a grateful smile.

To give him some room, you shuffled over in the bed and Jean clambered in the side, tugging some of your duvet over himself as you propped the tray between you two.  Splitting it into two halves, you both ate away at the grilled cheese, some of the nicest food you had tasted in a long while, besides Ms. Kirschtein's cooking, of course.

A long string of melted cheese dangled from Jean's half of the sandwich, making you laugh a little as he struggled to eat it.

"There's that laugh again, I missed it," he smiled at you, heat surrounding your cheeks at his words.
"You're such a flirt," you snarked and took another bite of the sandwich.
"No, I mean it...  If what happened to you, had happened to me, I don't think I would ever laugh again," he responded, slinging an arm over your shoulder.  You were at a point of closeness now where it wasn't awkward anymore.  After all, you had shared a bed two nights in a row, waking up embracing one another each time.  You had spooned, for fucks' sake.

"I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry, Kirschtein," you sighed and finished your half.


Night fell on the tavern and you pulled the curtains shut, peeking out at the silvery stars as you did. All of Jean's kind actions had served as a distraction from today's events, but before sleeping you were left alone with your own thoughts, left to dwell on what your mother had said, and what you had to do tomorrow.

"Night, Jean," you called to him as he laid down in the other bed.

For a small while, you tried to let yourself fall asleep. The last few nights you had found some success with sleeping, but your brain was racing with troubling thoughts.  Although your years with your mother were limited, it served as a shock that she intended to have you killed, in the years she had supposedly loved you.

Your whole life you had been left loveless, any chance of having it stomped on by cruel twists of fate.

Pain ravaged your body, along with fear and shock. It was evident in the sweatiness of your palms, and the rise of your heartbeat.

After a while of this, you twisted your head to face Jean's bed, just across from yours and you saw the light from the moon shining in his eyes, signalling that he was awake too.

"Jean?" you whispered.
"You okay?" he called into the dark.
"I can't sleep..."
"Me neither."

"I've never been a good sleeper... I hardly ever do, and when I do, it's ridden with those night terrors. The last few nights with you, however, I slept fine," you remarked quietly.

"Oh," he breathed, unsure of where you were going with this.

Swallowing, you spoke again, "Do you think... I can sleep in your bed tonight?"

Embarrassment flooded your chest the second that the question left your mouth but it was cut off the moment Jean answered you.

"I- yeah.  Sure."

Climbing out of your own bed, you saw him pull his sheets back, and you crawled in beside him.  He watched as you inched in closer to him, eventually laying your head on his chest and your arms around his middle.  Jean reciprocated, securing a loose arm around your waist, and stroking your hair with the other.

"Thanks... for everything," you mumbled out.


a/n: every other chapter of this keeps turning into a hurt/comfort oopsie

word count : 1975

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