Chapter 15- Suna, "Maniac"

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Inspired by the amazing Conan Gray's song, "Maniac."

"Suna! Oh Suna yes!"

"God you're so hot Y/N. Look at you, so perfect."Suna said as he thrusted up into you, bruising your insides.

"Mmmhmflh." You groaned out as he stuck his fingers in your mouth.

After another round of, well you know, Suna finally collapsed by your side panting.

"Remember to keep this between us." He muttered.

"Yeah I got that, this is the one thousandth time you've told me today."

He chuckled and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

You slowly got up to take a shower as you usually do.

As you were scrubbing your hair, you heard the sliding shower door open and you smiled.


"Who else."

He wrapped his body and arms around you from behind, helping you wash your hair.

God you were so in love with this man.

You let your head fall back into his shoulders and sighed. You both waded in the hot water for about twenty minutes before you actually started to wash and get out.

When you finally got finished getting ready, you grabbed your phone and looked through it.

"It's seven pm, I'm gonna go now Rintaro."

"Okay doll, but wait a second. Come here."

He walked slowly in front of you and gently pinned you against his door. You felt his hot breath against you as he crouched down to your height.

He lifted your chin with one finger while his other arm stood on the other side of your head.

"Listen closely." He whispered.

You were eager, was he finally going to ask you out?

He came so close to your face, your noses were one centimeter away from touching.

"If I ever hear that anyone found out about this, about us, I'll make your life a living hell. Got it?"

He blew his words on your face as you slowly nodded.


He twisted the doorknob behind you and pushed his door open, letting you immediately fall on your butt.

"See you next time, darling."

He closed the door in your face and you heard it lock.

"Oh cmon!" You yelled as you got in your car to start driving home.

You've been hooking up with Suna for months now, and he has yet to tell you anything about feelings. And he always makes sure no one has no idea about it.

In fact, whenever he sees you in public, he looks down upon you like you were trash.

But back at his house, he praised the hell out of you.

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