Letter #9

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   I've finally done it. Something I can't forget. No matter how much I try or how much I drink, the image of your exploded face is just there. It won't go away! IT WON'T FUCKING GO AWAY. And it never will! Your gonna have a scar on your face for the rest of your life. It's gonna scream out to everyone that your shit excuse of a father WANTED YOU DEAD!

   To think that I convinced myself that one day you would know me as your dad and be proud. Proud of your dad coming back. Proud of him for changing. But no! Your dad couldn't man up and face his son without having to get drunk.

   To think you could've been 6 feet under right now. And for what? For what? Somehow I forgot my whole purpose with taking over this shit ass country. It was supposed to be all for you, but it seems the only thing you've gotten from this is a ruined face.

   I know it won't make any difference, but,

   I'm truly sorry, Nubs.


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