Letter #5

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Dear Tubbo,

  Wilbur invited me to an SMP where he is hosting an election (something about a fair democracy) and he wants me to vouch for him. He said something about me being pretty popular with the people there because of my success at SMP Live. I'm still weighing out the options. I might go though. Things are slowing down here at Live anyways. It could be a good chance to make some money. Will said there really isn't an economy there so I might just be the guy to implement one. Schlatt coin, maybe? Ha, the more I think about the more I see opportunity with this election. I could really take advantage of it.

  Anyways, I hope you're doing well. I often find myself wondering if Phil has given you the letters yet. Maybe he thinks you're too busy. Hopefully with school and not some dumb shit with Tommy. Or you have received the letters and you don't think your old man deserves one back. Understandable.

  I'll leave you with that. I'll let you know how this election shit goes.

     - Pa

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