🥑Rantaro Amami🥑

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A/N: Yes i know this book is completed but i just write this to practice my writing skill.
Art cred: tp_ri on Twitter

Non Despair AU

Angst (?)

Rantaro has been your best friend ever since elementary school, you could saw many girls are jealous because Rantaro is your close friend. However, they never approached you and just mind their own bussiness. Your friendship with Rantaro is super strong, you may even think you will be friends forever until you die.

But of course, everything has comes to an end.

"Taro look, I got an A on my test!!" You shouted while running to him.

Rantaro looked at me while sweatdropping, after all he was surrounded by many girls. You could tell his eyes are asking for help, so you did. You sighed before walking to the crowd, seperating him from the crowd and drag him to your usual hang out spot.

He sighed in relief before patting my head, I looked at him in confusion.

"You got an A on your test right? Good job N/N!!" He smiled at you while you grinned.

"Well It's thanks to your tutoring, it helped me understand the subject a lot!! " You cheered while he calmly reached his bag for you two's favorite snack.

You never knew that was the last time you two would enjoy the last snack together.


You walking to the store to buy some food and snacks. While walking, you saw Rantaro across the road walking to probably his house. You shouted his name while waving, he looked at you in suprise before he regain his composure and calmly smiles while waving at you. You ran across the road but you didn't notice there's a car driving in high speed, Rantaro's eyes widened when he noticed the car and tried to stop you from crossing the road. It's too late..

It all happened so fast

"I'm sorry Y/N, I wish I could turn back time" Rantaro spoke with pain in his eyes.

First he lost his sisters, and now his dearest best friend and crush.

Does life hates him so much?
Or is he just too unlucky to have anything good?

Everyday Rantaro would visit your grave until he turns into an adult and married with another women. Of course he moves on but he would never forget you, sometimes Rantaro's wife would accompanied him to your grave.

"Hey Y/N, I hope you know I still haven't forget you. I'm already with someone, she reminds me of you. Sometimes I even wonder if Kaede is actually a reincarnation of you. Haha, I wish you were still here N/N. " He smiled softly before sighing and walks away from your grave.

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