Chapter 1: reunion

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You and your Dad are waiting at the bus stop at 4 AM

Y/N: Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited but why do I have to take the 4 AM bus again?

Dad: Because the next afternoon bus to Gravity Falls doesn't arrive for another 3 days and I assume you want to get there sooner than later.

Y/N: indeed I do, I am pretty hungry but at least you got Mcdonald's for us.

you then see the bus headlights in the distance.

Y/N: Welp, there's the bus, ill see you in 91 days.

Dad: See you later Y/N, enjoy your summer and tell Stanley and Stanford I said hi.

Y/N: Will do Dad.

you get on the bus and get comfortable, you wave to your dad as the bus disembarks.

Y/N: I didn't know I was going until a week ago and told the twins I don't know, this will be a surprise to them.

A few minutes later the bus arrives at the northern station, the Pines twins proceed to board the bus.

Mabel: Y/N? Are you here?

Y/N: Who wants McDonald's?!

Mabel: Y/N you made it!

She runs up to you and hugs you.

Mabel: I can wait to spend another summer with you!

Dipper: This summer is going to be a lot better with you here Y/N, so what about Mcdonald's?

Y/N: Remember yesterday I asked what you like from Mcdonald's? That's because my dad was going to get some for us before the bus came.

Dipper: That was nice of your dad.

You give the twins their food

Mabel: Y/N, I need to know for Grunkle Stan, do you want to sleep in your own bed or do want to share a bed with me for the summer?

Y/N: Is that even a question? If your ok with sleeping together then so am i.

Mabel: You do not know how long I have longed for this, it not the same cuddling on the couch.

Y/N: Well we can do so right now.

You get your blanket and drape it over you and Mabel.

Y/N: since we are done eating, imma sleep since it's 4 AM.

Dipper: I'm cold, can I cover myself with your blanket Y/N?

Y/N: Sure thin Dipper

you and Mabel call each other cheesy yet cute nicknames for each other while cuddling.

Dipper: You sure are lucky to have a guy like Y/N Mabel.

Y/N: And I'm lucky to have a girl like Mabel.

eventually, you all fall asleep, approximately 8 hours later you all wake up. as the bus approaches Gravity falls.

Y/N: And there's the sign. I have waited nearly 9 months to see that sign again.

you all get off the bus and see grunkle stan waiting for you guys.

Stan: Welcome back you crazy kids!

Y/N: Good to see you again Grunkle Stan, by the way, dad says hi.

Stan: How nice of him, so are you and Mabel sleeping apart, or are you gonna share a bed and cuddle like you guys did since July.

Mabel: I think you know the answer already.

She says while blushing.

Stan: Alrighty, I'm glad to see someone makes my little pumpkin happy.

She blushes even harder.

Y/N: Don't worry Mabel, I won't call you embarrassing nicknames. Now let's get into the shack and unpack.

Dipper enters the shack only for Pacifica to appear seemingly out of nowhere and kiss him, making his face turn beet red

Pacifica: I missed you Dipper.

Dipper: I missed you too Pacifica, how long have you been waiting here?

Pacifica: Around two hours, so do you wanna watch TV? 

Dipper: Sure.

You head into the museum to look for Soos.

Y/N: Soos? Soos? You here? Its Y/N.

You then notice the tourist's promise in the museum with a caption under it and began to read it out loud.

Y/N: "Last summer a tourist named Y/N L/N visited Gravity Falls, it changed his life for the better, and when he had to return home, he made this as a promise to someday return, and we will be waiting for him with open arms for when he does return." Hot damn, Soos put this in the museum, I am honored.

Soos then appears leading a tour.

Soos: And in this section, we have a variety of pieces...

Y/N: Including the creator of the tourist promise in person.

Soos: Y/N! 

You and Soos hug.

Soos: It's good to see you again dude, So as he said this is Y/N L/N, the creator of the tourist's promise and as you can see he did come back.

Y/N: So thank you for putting it in the museum, see you later dude.

Soos: Hey that's my line.

He says while chuckling.

You head into the gift shop to meet wendy.

Y/N: Hello wendy.

Wendy: Oh hello Y/N, so you and the twins have returned for the summer.

Y/N: Yes we have, Imma go unpack now, see you later.

You head upstairs and unpack before heading downstairs to watch tv with the twins and Pacifica, all the while excited for what awaits.

Another Summer to Remember (Aged up Mabel Pines x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now