Part 5

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I'll bring that kid back, for sure!

We ran towards the hideout, using magic to enhance our speed. The guards at the door were taken down in an instant. Our men stormed the dungeon quickly tackling down the slave traders and their minions

"Secure the safety of the captives and capture these disgusting pigs!"

After giving out orders and I enter the door at the end of the hallway. I see a small child crawling to the corner, their body was badly injured so it was the only way they could move.

'poor child'

Was the only thing I could think of. I started walking to the child to free them from the chain and lead him out of this room. But before I can even reach them, they start trembling, they look as though they're about to cry. I slowed my pace while quietly assuring them.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

I don't think they're going to answer me.

They reach for their neck, their hand shaking, and tap their neck.

Ah, I see, the poor kid, with their injuries that might've happened. I'll make sure we get the healers to fix that.

I've got to free the kids so of course I grab the chains and break them. The kid seems intrigued, I tell them.

"It's magic."

Their eyes light up, looks like he's never seen magic.

But I can't just stay here and show off my magic, I move a bit closer and pick up the kid. They're now panicking.

Shoot that right, kids are scared of me. 💀

That is what I thought but seeing their movements, they seem worried about clothes? It's great that they're not scared of me, but shouldn't they be more worried about leaving?

"Don't worry I'd rather you be safe than worry about some silly clothes"

The tiny child lets out a tiny sigh.

Which I laugh at, they seem more like a mother being exhausted at their child's behavior rather than some little kid.

We have to leave the room to treat their wounds and get them something to eat judging from their weight.

We leave the room heading towards a safer room, but before we even arrive, there I see some of the bandits. The child in my arms is slightly trembling, I take a glance at them, worried. But it was rather surprising to see them trembling in anger rather than fear.

You'd have thought they'd have long-lasting trauma from how hard they were shaking in the other room. But it's rather relieving to know they won't let the trauma get to them.

The kid glances back at me before calming down. They sick their tongue out and 'insult' them.

How adorable.

Children really are adorable! Oh god, why must you have given me a scary face? Look at their adorableness! Gah! Had it not been for my face I would've already adopted five children!

I'm going off track.

Now that my head's back where it's supposed to be, see why they've 'insulted' them.




These dirtbags need to die.

I hand the small kid to a soldier, cause you see when there's an ill-mannered person.

Shouldn't one teach them a lesson?

"The child's injured, treat them and give them some food. Gather up the other people and get them somewhere safe I'll return quickly."

They quickly leave to carry out their orders, and I turn around to.. teach those disgraceful humans some morals.

"After dealing with the trash"

The kid and guard left, while I left.

Let us see how high their pain tolerance is~


Author-chan doesn't know how to write those types of scenes so let's move on (~ ˘▾˘)~


It had been about thirty minutes, I finished tormentin-


I mean educating those waste of spaces. I walk into the room where the saved captives are, at least the ones that are healed and safe.

I call one of the guards over.

"See if the people here match any of the descriptions that were given an-"

I was giving an order before I felt an admiring stare sent my way. I don't get many of those openly so it's quite obvious. I turn my head to see the child I found, I send the knight away and walk towards them.

"Why hello little one"

I walk toward the small kid, to which they happily smile.

And they-

they waved at me!

While he was internally crying of happiness, his calm and composed face remained unchanged and still

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While he was internally crying of happiness, his calm and composed face remained unchanged and still.

I pick the child up and they happily oblige with my action. They actually seem happy from the looks of their smile.

How adorable.

Oh, I also need their name. It'd be best to learn as many of these people's names, makes it easier to find their family's.


A/n: that's one to many S's🤡


"Get a paper and pencil ready for me."

They hurry off and I wait for a bit before they arrive. I turn to the child.

"Can you write your name?'

They seem to be confused, I mean, it is a sudden question.

I write my name down. Then proceed to hand the paper to the child.

They read it and sit down, they start writing fluently, in fact, they also seem impressed with what's happening.

They write their name and hand me the paper.


I think I found that kid's friend.


I'm so sorry it took so long😭 schools drained me of my motivation and I've just dying on the inside right now.😭😭

I'll try and post more but I'm sorry if I disappear.

Other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading❤️

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