Meeting George Shelley

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Amaya's P.O.V

It felt horrible and amazing at the same time to get out of there. Yeah I know. I'm fucked up in the head right now. But hopefully that will all get straightened out. Hopefully.

Me and Lou hit it off pretty well. She said she would come and visit when she could. And baby Lux was so cute. I hoped she would bring her in her next visit. And right now I was bored.

I thought I'd unpack the clothes Lou had dropped off for me but decided against it. I walked around the flat. It was cozy and matched my personality. Remind me to thank Niall. Again.

I passed a mirror and didn't recognize myself. Which was the idea. I didn't want the boys finding me. I needed time to myself. And right now I had it.

The flat was even more boring than the last time. So I walked out and strolled around the streets of Bristol. It was actually quiet and peaceful here. I liked it. No wonder Niall picked it.

After walking a while I found a coffee shop. I needed some caffeine in my system. When I walked in I saw this cutie. His hair was brown with messy curls. And he had puppy brown eyes.

He was so cute I just wanted to hug him. But I didn't. I walked up to the counter and ordered some coffee.

"What's your name", he asked.


"Are you new around here"

"Yeah I just moved here today", I answered truthfully.

"Well, maybe I could show you around some time"

"That would be great"

He handed me my coffee and I paid for it. I also gave him my address. But before I left I remembered something.

"What's your name"

"George Shelley"


I couldn't sleep so I updated again.

It's kind of a short chapter but its an update.

In my fanfiction Amaya doesn't know George is famous. And he works in the coffee shop during summer break.

What do you think of George?

What does Amaya think of George?

What does the coffee he make taste like?

I want some coffee now.

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