Final Days

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After spending their fifteen years in the human world, each devil are hand in hand with their angel.

"I can't believe we had our wedding at the same day!" Hinata jump up. "That was fun!"

"We only had it three years ago, but it does feel like it was just yesterday."

"Mom, why are saying it like your old already!?" Aimi glared at her mother.

"Sweetie, haha." Noya shook his head. "Nothing."

"Boo!" Leo could detect that his mother is lying. "Why you gotta lie like that to us?"

"Noya, this kid is really good at detecting your lies."

"I know! It's actually a pain."

"Mom!" The two tackled their mother.


"You ain't going to die yet." Mizuki shook her head, though the kids didn't know the truth.

"That's true." The angels understood, they never told the kids about the curse.

"Come on, we all are going to miss the flight if we don't hurry up." They ran toward the terminal, catching the plane before it fly away.

"I'm so excited," Kouki squealed. "We can finally relax away from school."

"Kouki." Hinata glared at his daughter. "You barely do anything at home after arriving from school, you don't even do your homework."

"Mom! I do my homework at school, it's better than bringing it at home."

"At least the Shrimp's daughter is smarter than him."

"Stop, Tsukki." Yamaguchi pulled on his husband's ear.

"Ow, ow. Okay." Rubbing his ear.

"Haha. Thanks, Mama Yama." Hina smiled. "Calling Mom a shrimp is the death of you."

"Hina." Kaida wrap her arm around her girlfriend. "Please, spare my annoying dad." Giving the girl the puppy eyes.

"For you, my little dragon."


"My own daughter called me annoying, need to teach her a lesson."

"Try or I will pull on your ear harder." Yamaguchi's hand ready to grab his left ear.

"Alright, alright. I give up."

"Hahaha, I'm so happy." They look at Daichi. "I don't have to deal with him anymore, hahaha."

"Dad, you sound like a hypocrite."

"Rude, Kade."

"Eh." They hand their ticket to the Check-In Officer.

"You didn't miss the flight." Grabbing their tickets, smiling.

"Phew." They board their plane for Hawaii. "Here we come, Hawaii." Each couple in their own seats, the kids close to their parents.

"Does every have their seatbelt?"


"Good." Suga checking their heads. "We have everyone, older siblings watch over your younger siblings."

"Yes." It's like we are in military, Mei laughed.

"Why are you laughing, Mei?" Her twin sister looking at her weird.

"Every time we are together, it's like we are in military and Sugamama is the officer."

"Hahaha, I know what you mean." They laughed so loud, Suga glared at the two and quiet down.

Haikyuu AU: ANGELS X DEVILSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora