Chapter 21

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Noelle's POV

I was seated in the living room with Abbey.
She had made me come out to my parents. So we were waiting for them to return home. My heartbeat quickened as the clock ticked.

"Welcome Mom"
Welcome dad"
We greeted in unison.

Dad sat on the couch next to us as he joined us in watching news.

Mom was back from her room in a couple of minutes.

"What's for dinner" she asked looking across from Abbey and I

"Boiled yam and egg sauce"

Abbey nudged at me to say something but I had lost the courage to even mutter a word.

"Uhm.. I started stammering a bit.
"I wanted to talk to you all about something" I Said gaining their full attention this time.

"Elle are you okay?" Dad asked

I nodded before continuing my long prepared speech.

"I'm in love with someone, well that's not the point. She has proposed to me and I said yes"

I rushed through every word almost choking on the last word.

"She?" My mom gave me look as if to say I've gone insane.

"How long has this been going on" Dad asked.

"Long enough dad" by this time I couldn't look at their faces.

Nobody said anything. Like they were a processing what I'd just said.

I couldn't take it anymore. I excused myself and made my way upstairs as fast as my legs could carry me.
I flung the toilet seat and buried my face in it. Throwing up the residual of what was left in my stomach.

The atmosphere following my announcement suddenly became morbid. I didn't go downstairs for dinner neither did I show up at breakfast.
I carefully avoided my parent's. I only made it out of my room when they leave for work.

"We cannot encourage our daughter to be gay"
My dad yelled from the room.
I could hear them talking on top of their voices
"No child of mine will grow up under me to follow the lifestyle of pagans. All my life all I've taught them is the way of God and that they must follow She must denounce what she termed herself or she cuts tie with this family."

I couldn't hold myself Anymore. I cried my eyes sore.
I texted Lina to let her Know what's going on.

"I'll be there in few minutes"

Abbey tried to calm me down but there was nothing more she could do.

I went downstairs to answer the door after a while.
Lina pulled me into a tight hug.

"Why did you keep this away from me for two days?" She scolded

I continued to sob in her neck as she patted my back gently. I felt safe in her arms and I never wanted to let her go.

She held my hands and walked me back inside the house.
My parents were in the living room

"Dr Derrell? He called confused
She shifted a bit in her heels slightly intimidated by my dad's gaze.

His eyes widened in realization.

"How dare you involve my child in that demonic lifestyle of yours"
my mom accused

Lina tried to replied but I dragged her with me upstairs.

I locked the door behind me turning to face Lina

"Can I maybe stay at your place for sometime before I get a place of my own?" I asked expectantly.

"That's nonsense" she replied immediately. "We're engaged so you can move in anytime" she concluded with a small smile.

She helped me pack my bags as we made our way out of the door with my mom raining abuses on us. Mostly Lina.

Dad stood there looking at me intently.

"I love you Dad but I'm sorry I can't give up my life just because you and Mom are been insanely homophobic.
I love Jesus too and since he is our savior let He alone judge me. Not you, not mom and definitely not anyone"

With that I Left.

A/N: thank you so much for taking out time to read my story. I had fun writing this and I'm sure you enjoyed it as well.
Your comments and support kept me going. I do not take any of it for granted. Let me Know what you think and if we need a sequel for this story.


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