"What?" I ask, the confusion rising in my voice as a laugh escapes my throat,

"Security question Ms. Browne," the teller tells me, cracking a smile,

"Oh well see I had 3 back home so either Benji, Bongo or Benny,"

"Bongo," the teller nods,

I grin as he checks over my details before handing me my new credit card,

"And try not to loose this one miss,"

I grin, giving him a small wink, "Never lost a thing a day in my life!"

He smiles lightly, shaking his head, before signalling the next person.

I walk out of the bank, letting the cold New York air smash my face, turning it to ice. The familiar sound of my phone ringtone causing a search party through my bag as I pull the object out,

"Hello?" I answer,

"Hello? Colette? Where are you? Are you in the shop, because if you are, can you pick up some flack see, were all out, and some blueberries?"

"Hello Grace," I speak, amusement in my tone, "Yes I'll go to the shops, I'm just out of the bank,"

"Great, okay I have to go, I'm trying to figure out how to get this blender to work,"

"Okay, talk to you soon, bye Grace,"

I hang up the phone as I continue walking, before turning the corner, whacking into a figure, much taller than my own 5ft3 stature.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" I gush, picking up my fallen bag, "I am the definition of clumsy!"

I look up to see a tall, leather cladded boy before me, a stud through his ear, matching the black ones through his brom, his red hair is brightly tossled to the side, spiking up in placed, a worried expression lightly placed on his face.

"No, no, your fine, are you okay?" he speaks, an australian accent prominent in his tone,

"Did it hurt?" I breathe, squinting to inspect the stud through his brow,

"Sorry?" he asks, his voice laced with confusion as a small smile nestles on his face,

"Oh God, sorry, the thingy, oh what's the word?" I click my fingers trying to think, furrowing my brow,

He looks at me, cocking his head to the side, "the?"

I point to his eyebrow, the ghost of the word dancing round in my head.

"Stud?" he suggests

I shake my head, practically dancing around trying to find the word,

"Piercing?" he offers once more,

"That's it!" I point at him, a grin spreading across my face,

"God I hate when that happens d'you know, like it's dancing in your head, taunting ya, but you can't think of it!"

He cracks a laugh, his eyes squinting at the sides, "Well to answer your question it was a little sore, yeah,"

I nod, "I wanted to get my nose pierced but my pain like, oh god I can't think of the word but you know, like I don't handle pain the best,"

"I know yeah, nose is sore though," he nods,

I grin, "Anyways, I'm super sorry for knocking into you," I nod my head at him, walking past him and continuing down the street

"I'm Michael," he yells after me, causing me to turn, raising my eyebrows and grinning,

"Nice to meet you!" I yell back, "I'm Colette,"

WiFi ➳ Michael CliffordTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon