"Come Back to Me"

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            It had only been two days since Don Don's death and everyone involved was still dealing with the aftermath. Roderick felt guilty for getting Jacory involved with it all. Jacory blamed himself for going to Roderick's stash house and he was conflicted over his renewed feelings for Roderick. Angelique was devastated and couldn't understand why Don Don didn't just walk away with her when he had the chance. Escobar ran most of Don Don's crew out of the city and severed whatever ties they had with Fat Moe and the southside. As he was preparing to restart his drug organization, he summoned Roderick to his home.

            "It's been a minute since I've been here," Roderick said as he entered Escobar's house. He looked around and added, "You haven't changed this place a bit."

            "Listen, youngin'," said Escobar. "I know you're ready to be done workin' for me but I do got an offer for you."

            "Nah, I'm good." He showed Escobar the duffle bag he was carrying and explained, "This is the last bit I owe you, bruh. I'm out."

            "Rod, you know I need a new righthand. And I need somebody I can trust."

            "I almost lost everything just so you could keep your crown."

            "The crown could be yours one day, youngin'. You know it can."

            "I don't want it. Man, I found out a few weeks ago that I got a 1450 on my SAT. And my GPA is 3.5, so I don't need this shit. I got options, man."

            "So, what you goin' to college or some shit?" He laughed and when he saw Roderick wasn't laughing, he became serious and said, "Boy, we are talkin' about you one day runnin' the streets. Fuck college! That world ain't for people like us."

            "And this is? I watched you kill a nigga the other night. I've shot niggas and I've hurt people all so you can keep your shit! And it is your shit because I'm fuckin' done!" He unzipped the duffle bag and dumped multiple bands of money onto Escobar's floor. He then zipped the duffle bag back up and said, "You got your money and you got your life. Without me, you'd be dead right now. My debt is paid in full, bruh. I'm out."

            Escobar stared at him for a while in silence and then finally said, "Keep the money, man."

            "Nah, that's you. I don't want it."

            "Nigga, I said keep the fuckin' money! I don't need that shit. Give it to your boys or keep it. I don't give a fuck."

            "Man, Escobar—"

            "No strings attached, man. You said you want out then fine. Go to college and try to fit into a world that doesn't want your black ass. You'll be back."

            Roderick quickly picked the money back up and stuffed it into his duffle bag. After securing it, he told Escobar, "The most loyal nigga in my crew is JD. If I send him to you, will you test him out to see if he can be your new righthand?"

            "Shit, I wouldn't mind puttin' all the niggas from your crew to work, youngin'. I mean, y'all did follow Don Don's bitch ass around this city and shut his shit down."

            "I'll tell JD to come see you." He turned and went back to the door. Before leaving, he looked back and told Escobar, "Thanks for everything and if anybody in the streets asks about me, tell them that Rod is retired. Be easy, bruh."

            He exited the house and left the Honda Accord that Escobar had given to him parked out in front of the house with the keys in the driver's side sun visor. He arranged for a Lyft to pick him up a few blocks away and when it arrived, he climbed in and rode it home. When he made it home, he hurried inside and ran up to his bedroom to hide the money before Deven knocked on his door.

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