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tw: blood play.


edward had went back to his bedroom for the day and told me to not to leave the castle again. i wasn't planning on leaving anyway; since walter basically threatened my life while we were in the forest.

right now, i was standing outside of the brothers' bedroom, hesitating about knocking on the door and apologizing to aleksander, walter, and henry about the escape incident. i already apologized to edward last night, so i'm sure he's okay with me.

i knocked on the door with shaky hands. aleksander voice was heard from the door.

"come in, jacqueline" i opened the door and found the brothers lounging around; aleksander looking out the window, edward laying on the couch, walter reading a book, and henry sitting in a chair.

"what is it?" walter spoke up in an aggressive tone. i shook my head as i saw myself mentally punching him in the face.

"masters," i start off, severely cringing in my mind. "i'm extremely sorry for hurting you all and attempting to escape. it will never happen aga—"

"brother told us when he came back in here," aleksander said. "we forgive you. honest."

"i still haven't ate." henry groaned.

"me neither." walter replied, putting his book down. i noticed a knife on the floor, so i picked it up and held it to my shoulder.

edward's eyes widen. "jackie, what are you—"

"you both hungry? well. drink from me." i said as i slashed my shoulder, blood oozing from the cut. both of them must've noticed really quick, since their eyes turned yellow. sooner or later, i was laid onto the couch, meeting the hungry eyes of the youngest brother.

henry ran his tongue over his fangs as he licked my shoulder that was leaking of fresh blood, along with a familiar agonizing pain that was forming in my wrist. i turned my head to see walter drinking from my wrist.

after licking the blood, henry bit into the same spot on the left side my neck while walter messily gave bloody love bites on my wrists. they were now pleased with their hunger as i sat myself up, covered in my own blood.

"thank you. go get cleaned up." walter said. i nodded as i walked out of their bedroom and went back into mine.

the kisses and bite marks may have hurt, but i enjoyed it. slightly.


sorry about that

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