One Hell of a Raven!

Start from the beginning

If I learned one thing from my Master than the darkness is not only my friend but an extension of me.

With this in mind, I backed away and jumped on the wood, than I began quickly to move around the room jumping over and on wood branches and howling like a crow. My croak echoed in the room and I made sure it would be so load that he wouldn't get from where it is coming.

You obviously can't keep up.

Why are you still trying?

I jumped on his hand like I was a normal sized raven and looked him in the eyes.


Then I jumped at him slashing at the wood, tearing one layer from his skin. The hero screamed in pain and tried to get me from him but I was too fast and my claws were to sharp.

He screamed and scream but I didn't let him go until he went all quiet.

Me: I am done here!

I was about to leave the room when I got this brilliant idea.

I am sure Master would love to see this hero being placed out in the open like what he did with the gen ed course!

I took the unconscious hero and went out of the room. I walked straight out of the gym since me and Shoto eliminated every single one. My destination was the back yard with the tracking field. Once I was there I put the hero down and made a scarecrow out of him.

I believe you are proud of me my Master!

I could feel losing the control over my host's body and in the next moment I was a shadow being on the side of my quirks host.

Tokoyami: WHAT THE HELL?

Me: Hm?

Tokoyami: What did you do?

Me: I only followed Masters command.

Tokoyami: I am sure Izu never said something like this!

Me: A Servants job is t satisfy his Masters wishes and go even beyond the command!

Tokoyami: I wish you can stop calling Izuku Master!

Me: And I wish you can start calling him that because you are being rude!

Tokoyami: I am not!

Me: Yes you are! You are not worth comparing yourself to him; hence you must call him Master!

Tokoyami: *Sigh*

Me: We should go back and get our next command.

Tokoyami: You mean mission?

Me: No, I mean command, you fool!

Tokoyami: What about Shoto?

Me: Aham, Hellforst!

Tokoyami: What about Hellforst and you are making things complicated!

Me: I don't know.

Then the comm system went off.

Mic: Something I see there is reminding me of a good movie!

Mr. Compress: What movie?

Nezu: A classic it's called the wizard of Oz or you might know Emerald City a rather good remake of it.

Mic: It's not bad.

Mr. Compress: Well anyone else carving some fish and chips?

Nezu: Oh yes please!

Usagi, the killer rabbit is back!(Part 2 of Let the Hunt begin)(No Ship)Where stories live. Discover now