Sunday night I spent writing songs, learning more on the piano and trying to write songs with the piano too, which was actually much easier than trying to learn something new. Probably because I was making up the notes, but it was actually a pretty productive evening if I do say so myself.

Of course almost every song was about Harlow, but she's pretty good song inspiration so I couldn't help myself. She just has that look about her that screams the girl from every indie song in the whole of history.

Monday, this morning, I desperately wanted to race over to Harlows house, bring her a coffee like I used to as an excuse to see her, but she told me she'd call me so I had to respect that and give her the space she needs.

That meant I spent the afternoon third wheeling Josie and Liam because Liam was convinced if I spent the day alone I'd end up telling myself Harlow hates me. It wasn't fun at all, I had to watch them be so happy and in love, it was gross.

Eventually I ended up leaving and going to Harlows, I couldn't stay away from her, I just couldn't.

I needed to know she was okay.

Her door wasn't locked and she didn't answer when I knocked, so I just invited myself in, making sure to shout so she didn't get a fright when she seen a random man wandering around her house.

Which brings me to now, standing with a rapidly beating heart after nearly avoiding a heart attack.

Harlow was sitting at the top of her stairs and I shit myself because I didn't expect her to be sitting there. Although the near miss of a heart attack was worth it for the smile I saw creep onto her face.

I rushed up, seeing clearer that her eyes are red and bloodshot, however I didn't point it out, just sat down next to her on the top step and bashed me shoulder against hers gently.

"Hello birdy" I smile down at her, "I've missed you."

Harlow smiles up at me, resting her head on my shoulder, "missed you too." She whispers quietly.

Suddenly I feel at peace, much more relaxed and that's down to just the company of her. There's something comforting about her company, something inviting, something calming and soothing.

She's made me realise home isn't a place, it's a feeling - and she feels like home.

"What're you doing on the stairs?" I ask, unsure of why she was actually sat here considering she didn't know I was coming.

"I don't know" she shrugs, "I'm sorry for being so closed off recently, I've missed you."

Her voice is laced with doubt and sadness which struck me straight in the heart. The fact she always apologises for things that aren't worth an apology is definitely her worst trait. I don't hate it about her, I just wish she didn't apologise for stuff thst she doesn't have to.

"Never apologise birdy, it's alright love." I said through a smile, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"You always say that." She points out with a slight chuckle.

Smiling still, I tilted my head to rest down in hers, "You always apologise for things you shouldn't. So until the day you realise you don't owe an explanation to anyone, the catchphrase is here to stay."

I kiss the top of her head, squeezing her shoulder gently as her head stays rested on mine. Seeing her smile like this makes me feel so warm, even though she's got bloodshot, sad eyes, I'm just glad she's smiling.

"I was erm...I was just about to shower." She tells me, lifting her head to look at me from his inches away, however when she's that close I can't help but move my lips forward to kiss hers, and the smile that lit up her face makes me glad I did.

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