"Camilla is over there doing the same thing with Dani" she said smiling.

We peaked our head out of the booth and looked over to Dani and Cami who were across the Cafe. Dani sat on Camilla's lap peppering her face with kisses.

"Well i think it went just as well" i said. We giggled and grabbed our drinks before joining the other two girls on the other side of the cafe. I sat next to Dani while Aysun sat next to Cami.

We sat in the booth talking and laughing while we finished our shakes. We ordered a few burgers at sat in the cafe eating until the sun began to set.

"Come on, we should get back" Aysun suggested. "Everyone is at a birthday party where the birthday girl isn't even there." she said laughing.

Cami pushed the door open and we were met with the cool spring air. Aysun and Cami walked along the sidewalk while Dani and I waited behind for a minute.

"We have girlfriends" we squealed in unison as we jumped up and down holding each other's hands.

Aysun and Cami turned around laughing at us before motioning for us to pick up our pace.

Dani and I ran to the girl's sides and intertwined our fingers with our girlfriend's.

Wow I can actually say that now. She's actually my girlfriend. I didn't think I'd be going down this road again but Aysun was different.

I trusted her. I felt safe with her. I wanted her, and only her.

Huh who would've thought?


We walked down the steps into Aysun's basement. My mom and Juna had already left and Aysun's parents were back upstairs so it was just the few teenagers sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Are you watching- the little rascals" Dani asked as she laughed.

"Yes. Yes we are. Is that a problem?" Mayson spat.

"You're children-" Cami said laughing.

"Well while you children sit here and watch this, we're gonna go to my room and find something else to watch" Aysun said.

Camilla and Dani walked hand in hand to the room while i wrapped my arm over Aysun's shoulder.

The girls plopped themselves onto Aysun's bed leaving no room for me.

Who do they think they are?!

"Excuseeee meee" i said as i shoved the girls to the side making space for myself in between Dani and Aysun.

"Well damn. Look at that ass" Dani said smirking.

"I will kill you." Aysun spat as she glared playfully at the girl.

I blew a kiss to Dani playing along.

"I'll kill you too." She said glaring at me.

I climbed on top of the girl with my legs on either side straddling her waste.

"You know I only have eyes for you baby" i said as i peppered the girl's face with kisses. Her cheeks blushed instantly as she wrapped her hand around my body.

"Awee look baby. They're so cute" Cami said to Dani.

I laughed and rolled my eyes before returning to my spot on the bed.

"So Cyra....now we have girlfriends" Dani said as she wiggled her brows.

"Aren't we lucky" I said with a chuckle.

"We've never seen Aysun this happy" Dani suggested.

"Yea she was a bitch before you came around. No offence."Aysun glared at the girl. "Whatever you're doing keep doing it" Cami said laughing.

"I'm glad I'm making her happy" I said honestly. "Because she's making me happier then I've ever been. After what happened last time I didn't think I'd be able to put my all into someone again, but she changed all of that."

"What did happen last time? If you don't mind me asking." Dani said.

I let out a sigh. Aysun reached for my hand and squeezed it lightly. I nodded my head and began to speak.

"The last relationship i was in was physically and mentally abusive. I tired leaving her but I couldn't. She ruined my mental health and self esteem. When my mom said we were moving I decided to pack my things and leave so that I could get away from her. Then I met Aysun and fell in love with her so quickly and was scared that what happened in my last relationship would be repeated. But Aysun stood by me through my doubt and panic attacks and now here we are." I said smiling at Aysun.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that. No one does." Cami said.

"But i hope you know Aysun would never do that to you. She may be a bitch sometimes but her love is genuine" Dani said smiling.

"Mhm and if she everrrr tried doing some shit like that we'd personally kill her."

"I would never hurt my baby" Aysun said as she wrapped her arm around my body.

Cami reached for the remote on the stand next to her a turned on the tv.

"What do you guys wanna watch?"

"Ouu let's watch Moxie" Aysun suggested. "I heard it's really good."

A/N: it really is. You guys should watch it.

Cami nodded and put the movie on the tv.

The four of us squeezed onto a queen sized bed.

This day has been amazing.

I intertwined my fingers with my girlfriend's and turned my face to hers kissing her cheek before laying my head against her chest.

Hehe i get to finally call her my girlfriend.

𝑅𝑈𝑁 (𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗫𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹)Where stories live. Discover now