Chapter ten

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Kakashi pov| "Orochimaru/Jiraiya if you don't move away from my pregnant mate carrying my child I will fucking murder you"Hinata/Naruto growled at the two perverts. Sasuke and Naruto have a two year old son named Menama. He has black hair and looks exactly like Naruto with blue eyes and whiskers.

Sakura and hinata have a daughter named Sinai. She had dark blue hair with pale green eyes and looks like hinata. She was also two. Both Sakura and Sasuke were five months pregnant. Shikamaru was four months pregnant. He and kiba had a daughter. She had brown hair like kiba with the same triangle marking but with brown eyes like shikamaru. Her name was Nozomi. She was also two years old.

I had a son named Odin. He has silver hair with black eyes but looked like Obito. He was four years old. I was six months pregnant. The four of us hide our pregnancies with a henge. We had gotten close to the village. Izumo was at the gate.

"Yo Izumo"Obito said "Obito it's been too long I see that you all are back from you mission"Izumo said "yes we are we should catch up later. We need to head to the Hokage's office"Obito said "okay will do"Izumo said letting us in. When we got into the village we shushined to the office.

"Yo Jiji we are back"Naruto said "looks like you are back Naruto with the three sannin and four children. I already got the mission report from Obito this morning. So you may go. And team seven you can go on missions after you give birth. But as of right now I want you teaching at the academy"The Hokage said.

"yes Hokage-sama"we said "okay all of you are dismissed except for my students"The Hokage said making the three sannin pale. We left the office.

"Okay so for living situation what are we going to do about that I want to live with my husband"Shikamaru said "Technically before we left we lived with Naruto"Kiba said "you can live in the other houses at the namikaze compound. The one we were living in were the main house all the houses are basically like the clan houses but much bigger. I mean that's if you want"Naruto said

"What do you say"Obito asked me "yeah I guess"I said "I don't mind"Sakura said "neither do I but I am technically still clan head"Shikamaru said "you can live in the house that is directly near the border of the Nara compound"Naruto said "okay then"Shikamaru said

"Mama I'm hungry"Odin said through his mask. Takes after me in that department "why don't we go to the bbq place where team eight and nine usually hangout they might be there"Sakura suggested "sure"we said and we walked there. And both teams are in fact there.

"Kakashi my youthful friend you guys are finally back"Gai said making both teams draw attention to us. They all have changed but then again we have as well "whoa look at Akumaru he is huge"Tenten said we took a seat next to all of them.

"Whoa I'm an uncle"Neji said "I'm an Aunt"Ino said both looking at Sinai "can I hold her"Neji asked "yeah sure"Sakura said handing Sinai to Neji "Sinai meet your aunt Ino and uncle Neji. Ino and Neji meet Sinai Hyuga-Haruno-Namikaze. Seeing as Obito, Kiba and I took Namikaze from Naruto. So we are apart of the Namikaze clan"Hinata explains

"Meet Nozomi Inuzuka-Nara-Namikaze"Kiba said as shikamaru handed her to Choji and shino "meet Menama Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiha"Naruto said as Sasuke handed him to Tenten and rock lee. "Meet Odin Uchiha-Hatake-Namikaze"Obito said as I handed him to Asuma and Gai.

"Okay so what have we missed in the last five years. Besides all of us being eight teen"Sakura said "Rock lee is currently pregnant by Garra. Tenten is pregnant by Temari. Neji is pregnant by this guy named Sai from root. Shino got this girl named Fū pregnant solidifying a treaty with Takigakure no Sato. Choji has a pregnant girlfriend named Kuri. While I am currently pregnant by Kankuro. Asuma got Kurenai pregnant. They are on their second child. Their first is a girl named Mirai. She is four years old. Iruka is pregnant by Genama a second time. He has twins. So they are on their their third child. First two are boys named Sato and Gecko and they are both four. Yamato got Anko pregnant a second time. So now they are on their second child. First is named Amki. She is a girl four years old. Gai got a woman named Yugito Nii pregnant. Solidifying a treat with Kumogakure no Sato since she is the second daughter of their Raikage. So since Tenten, Lee and I got pregnant by the Sabaku siblings we now have a solid treat with Sunagakure no Sato now"Ino explains without being tried from that long ass sentence.

"Oh this means our second childern will be going to school with yours"Sakura said excitedly "Giving birth is a drag but the pregnancy is pretty fun getting waited on all the time"Shikamaru said "a broken hand isn't fun"Hinata said

"I got a broken arm"Naruto, Kiba, and Obito said at the same time "and here I thought I was the only one"Gai said "my arm snapped in so many places"Asuma said "even with fast healing took a month to fully heal all the bones in my arm completely shattered"Naruto said getting Obito and Kiba to agree.

"No one could be as worse as Genama. He got both his arms broken"Gai said making all the alphas hiss "let's on forget Yamato. He almost died"Asuma said "I pray for you Choji and Shino"Naruto said

"As well as Sai, Kankuro, Temari and Garra"Kiba said "seeing as this will be your first pregnancy"Hinata said making all the other alphas nod in agreement. After that we moved from the topic of pregnancy and caught up with one another.

End of chapter

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