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chapter two;
devilishly charming

chapter two;devilishly charmingMAKE 'EM LAUGH

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"YOU'VE got to believe me."

"Oh sure we believe." "-believe you've finally lost control of your hormones and need an excuse."

Lee looked between the two, "entertaining that theory, an excuse for what, may I ask?" Fred and george glanced to the other, "to snog--"

"TO GET- a girlfriend, lee." George speaks over his brother. "To get a girlfriend, of course."

Lee gave the two a look, "bloody h- okay, okay. I have to go endure an hour and a half of pure charms torture. Have a nice time with your own hormones. But I did say I would find music for the party, and hormones or not, I think I've found my tune." he saluted the boys before letting out a sigh and heading into the library through the grand mahogany doors.

George looked to his brother, "how do i know this isn't going to end as well planned as he thinks.'' Fred gave his brother a smirk, "does it ever? I think I'll enjoy the ride this time, how about you Georgie? What do you think?"

The twin glanced over, "Fred, I think, what you think, is what I think." With that the two smiled and leisurely walked around the corner. Knowingly shielding themselves from Mrs. McGonagall, of whom's class they had missed directly before this.

KATHY glanced up for the umpteenth time in the last 30 minutes, humming out the tune to a random lullaby she couldn't care less to remember the name of.

Her letter to her mother and father splayed out in front of her. Pages upon pages of written scrawl stared back at her.

She looked up once more seeing the infamous grin of Lee Jordan. Whom of which was walking -more like strutting- to the table she was currently occupying.

"Once Lee reached the edge of her table she looked up at him, giving the boy a bored stare. He was about to speak, in fact he even opened his mouth, words ready to tumble out but Katherley mentally grabbed the words letter by letter and drop-kicked them back to his face because she was sure what would slip out would be a waste of stupidity on someone who just wasn't having it.

So before his admittedly suave voice left his mouth, she spoke up for once, "y-you're uh" circle back to the for once aspect. Katherley's voice doesn't get out much. She calmed down, though her head felt like it was watching a horror movie unfold. "You're late, Lee." She mentally scolded herself for having the volume only needed in an atmosphere such as final exams.

The boy in question scratched behind his ear looking to the floor before back to her eyes. That was the first thing to catch his attention. The deep velvety shade had captured his interest. It was almost as if he could lose himself in them, and he almost did. The dark browns and russets swirling in a vat of the darkest blacks of midnight. She blinked. "Lee?"

𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 '𝐄𝐌 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 , ── l. jordanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora