⚠️Boss Mabel⚠️

Start from the beginning

Stan: "Be astounded at the horrible, pre-teen wolf boy!"

He pulls a curtain revealing Dipper with hair glued to his legs and fake wolf ears and teeth.

Stan: "Oh! Oh, look at him! All that hair! His body's changing, ah!" He said in a somewhat disgusted tone while [Y/N].

Let's just say Dipper wasn't very happy about this and felt humiliated. Dipper then took off his fake wolf teeth.

Stan: "Grunkle Stan, this is demeaning..."

Stan: "What? I don't know 'de meaning' of that word!" He and the tourists laughed at his joke.

Stan: "If you throw money at him, he dances..."

The tourists cheer and began to throw money at Dipper as he makes an attempt to dance while Stan catches money with a jar and [Y/N] takes a few bucks for himself.

Stan: "Ha ha ha! Ooh! Thank you!"

⚠️{Mabel's POV}

I was in the gift shop selling bumper stickers to these wonderful costumers.

Mabel: "Behold! Mystery Shack bumper stickers! You can stick 'em on your bumper or over your husband's mouth. Am I right, ladies? She knows what I'm talking about!"

Woman: "Oh! You are bad! How much...?"

Mabel: "Hey, it's on the house. That's the Mabel difference! Thanks for visiting!"

Stan: "What!?" He appeared behind a cardboard cutout of himself and seemed to be to be baffled.

Stan: "What the heck do you think you're doing...?"

Mabel: "Business! Ching ching ching" I pressed buttons on the cash register.

Stan: "Listen, kid. You don't make money by giving stuff away. You're off of register duty!"

Mabel: "But, but—"

Stan: "No buts except for yours out the door. Now shut your yap and get to work!"

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan, whatever happened to 'please' and 'thank you'? Hmm? Oh wait. Here they are!"

I take out a bag of stickers and put two stickers that say 'Please' and 'Thank you' on Stan's face.

Mabel: "Wop wop!"

Stan: "Ugh. 'Please' never made me any money, kid..." He said as he puts the 'Please' sticker on the back of the cash register.

Stan: "...in fact, just saying the word is giving me a burning sensation..."

Grunkle then Stan slaps the 'Thank you' sticker on Soos' back as he sweeps by. Soon after that, Dipper and [Y/N] come in.

Dipper: "Grunkle Stan, why do I have to wear this wolf costume? I think I'm getting hookworm..."

[Y/N] then snickered at my brother as Grunkle Stan laughed.

Stan: "Yep. Gluing dog hair to your body will do that..."

Dipper: "You've got all these dumb, fake exhibits in the Shack. Meanwhile, I've seen actual, amazing things in the forest every day! What if you hunted down a real attraction instead of lying to people for a living...?"

Mabel: "And you should be nicer to your employees, too!"

Dipper: "Yeah!" He agreed and then high-fived me.

Stan: "Look, you guys got a problem with how I run the Shack, take it up with the complaints department..." He said as he holds up a trash can.

Stan: "...Zing!"

Mabel: "I am going to write them such a letter!" I start writing a letter while covering what I'm writing with my arm.

{Mystery Shack}

⚠️{No one's POV}⚠️

The Mystery trio, Wendy and Soos painting the Mystery Shack sign a glittery pink.

[Y/N]: "This is my worst nightmare......" He muttered as looked over at the Mystery Shack.

Stan: "And don't stop 'till you've covered that sign with glitter! Glittery signs attract tourists! Also large birds..."

A bald eagle attacks Soos and he tries to run away from it.

Stan: "Ha ha! That's funny..."

[Y/N]: "Heh! Yeah..."

Dipper: "Okay, is it just me or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst...?"

Wendy: "I know, right? Why do we even put up with it...?"

[Y/N]: "We have no choice but to it against out will..."



Dipper: "Ya know you shouldn't stay up so late—"

[Y/N]: "Time is an illusion. Nothing matters, god is dead..."


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