▮ 007

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KATO-SAN WE'RE LEAVING ARE SURE YOU DON'T WANNA TAG ALONG, I MEAN THE RAIN IS POURING HEAVILY... one of the teachers that you worked with said to you, you only smiled at him and nodded "yes sensei, i can manage" you simply respond.

he nodded with a smile before going after bidding you a goodbye, you sighed as his figure went away closing the door behind him, the teachers and staff decided to go to the karaoke to drink and have fun together considering one of your teacher friends is newly proposed.

You sighed from exhaustion, it was indeed a long day, Well for the teachers that is, The examination day is coming so it is a busy days for the teachers specially for the teachers who have extra classes with their failing students well lucky for you, All of the students you teach didn't really have a concerning grade however some students are passing projects and school works late.

Being the kind teacher you are you accept it since you don't want your student to fail and aside from that attend extra classes that you don't want to attend either.

your head perked up when the familiar ring tone of your phone rang on your ear, picking the call immediately once you saw the caller ID.

"daisuke-san" the said male immediately smiled once he heard your voice on the othe line, "why'd you call?" you asked as you tap the pen on your desk as you heard the same heavy rain pouring, you guessed he's inside of some sort since the rain was muffled.

"i was wondering if you're still at work" he asked, his pointing finger tapping the steering wheel, looking outside the window of his car, as he admired the rain droplets on his window.

"ah yes, are coming to pick me up?" you asked with a giggle, daisuke nodded followed by a small hum. "i'll pack my stuff then" you said before immediately standing up, closing your laptop and gathering the papers that you still didn't done grading, while the papers that was already graded and weren't really necessary to bring you clipped them together and hid them at the cabinet under your white desk.

Daisuke can hear the rustling of papers and the same loud rain hitting the ground and roof, Soon he heard your footsteps, your heels clanking at the marble tiles floor, Getting an umbrella he got out of his car.

my work can wait you thought

the guard of the school immediately let the man in since his already familiar with daisuke from seeing him everyday picking you up or dropping you to school. the two males greet each other with a simple bow.

"let me help with that y/n-san" he stated to you and grabbed the papers from your hands, you smiled at his gentlemanly actions, "then i'll hold this for you" you said before he could even protest you already grabbed the umbrella from his grasps.

The both of your cold soft hands making the slightest contact but still makes Daisuke's heart jump. His car wasn't really parked far way from the school entrance so it wasn't long till you guys were already at the car.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"oh, the rain hasn't even slowed down" you muttered as you look out of the tinted car window, You guys were already infront of your house but the rain didn't even slowed down yet, You turn to look at Daisuke who was already looking at you before speaking "Do you mind if we have a tea together?" You asked, he got caught off guard by your sudden offer but he slowly nodded making you clasp your hands together, "Great, let's go then, I think Ms.Hanna already dropped off Mai" You said, as if in cue the door opened to your house, seeing the short blonde haired and familiar emerald eyes met yours.

Hannah smiled knowing who's the owner of the black expensive car she wave her had knowing you and Daisuke can see her through the tinted window.

Daisuke get out of the car first with an umbrella on his other hand, opening the door for you, taking the hand he offered for you to take, getting out of the car you smiled at Hannah.

"perfect timing, mai's already inside" Hannah said after giving you a small hug, "thanks hannah-san"

"No problem, well I'll be off now take care" She said patting your shoulder before walking at the wet side walked, You waved her goodbye before gesturing Daisuke to enter inside of the house to not get wet in the rain or catch a cold.

The both of you took off your shoes, putting the drenched umbrella at the coat rack where you placed your black coat, "Thanks for having me" Daisuke respectfully said, muttering it under his breath.

"Mai, I'm home!" You called out, going to the living room, The man followed closely behind you, hearing the small footsteps of your daughter, you offered Daisuke to sit on a couch.

"Mama, welcome home! oh- and suke-san as well" she greeted you guys with a bright smile, "make yourself comfortable while I make our tea" you stated before going to the kitchen.

"hi suke-san, why're you here" Mai asked and looked up with her wide bright e/c orbs, "uh y/n-san offered me to come here" Mai nodded at his answer before scooting a little closer to the male, Mai was fidgeting a bit, her fingers tapping on her knee.

"do you want to say something?" daisuke said gently to not scare the kid off since he isn't really good with them, "uh- well i have a question" Mai speak up and sit cross legs turning her small body to face the male.

"go ahead kid" daisuke said with a pat on her head making the girl smile.

"Do you like my Mommy?"

"Do you like my Mommy?"

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❛ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐤▮𝐤. 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞Where stories live. Discover now