Part 1: Chapter 30; The Beginning of Something New

Start from the beginning

".....u-u-u-uhm....." Shinobu couldn't even begin to find a response, with nothing but lewd thoughts invading her mind, until a nosebleed burst out of her nose.

"S-Sorry...about that..." Sakusa mumbled, keeping his eye glued to the table in front of him.

"N-No, no, i-its whatever...." Shinobu mumbled, keeping a cloth under her nose.

The whole room stayed silent, the two teens' embarrassment evident in their faces.

"PFFT, HAHA! OH, WOW, YOU TWO ARE DEFINITELY SCREWING EACH OTHER!" Of course, Yae had to make things worse, cackling and pointing at them.

As if the two teenagers needed anything else to feel embarrassed about, Yae's face shifted from amusement to curiosity, as she tilted her head and bluntly muttered,

"Oh, but wait, wasn't mister Kari the bottom in the relationship? Tsk, wait, maybe he's trying to top for once-

"G-GET YOUR SICK THOUGHTS AND SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT, YOU PERVERT!" Sakusa threw a bowl of rice at the hunter girl and it bonked off of her head, knocking her out cold with a "BEGH—" and a thud.

Shinobu would have argued and protested the use of force, had she not secretly wanted to do the same thing to the simple hunter girl herself.

"Ugh, for fuck's sakes...." Sakusa let out a shaken huff as he turned back to his food, eating casually as if nothing had happened.

Inside, however, he was most definitely screaming.

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, you idiot! Why would you say something so sexual?! God damnit, you were just trying to get her to stop being a total mom and quit telling you what to do, you didn't need to make it sound like you....w-wanted her that way! God, do you have rice in your brain or something?!

Shinobu's thoughts were almost identical, as she focused on her food with a blush on her cheeks.

What....w-w-what was that all about, you pervert......a-as if you could even do something like that....


Out of the corner of her eye, the butterfly girl stole glances at the boy to her right, with her nose beginning to leak a second time ever so slightly.

Tch, I bet you really are a bottom, Saku-san.......a six foot, 85 kilo, musclebound would you even get topped anyways, you're so huge.....

.....are you......also.....down there......-


Shinobu suddenly slapped her reddened cheeks and shook her head violently.

No, Shinobu, you're not a pervert! Quit thinking like that, t-things like that have never concerned you before!

Quit being like Mitsuri, damnit! You're a Hashira, Hashira don't care about-....about.....about explicit acts like that!

......but then again Iguro is always thirsting for Mitsuri so-

"I'm gonna go, by the way."


The butterfly girl turned her head towards Sakusa, who refused to take his eyes off his food in front of him.

"I'm still going." The crimson-tipped boy repeated himself. "I'm gonna go down to the festival and let one of my family members take over."

"Besides, Nagasaki is my district anyways, I can just call it a patrol of the city if I wanted to."


BUTTERFLY : SHINOBU KOCHO (PART ONE)Where stories live. Discover now