She nodded in response and was about to leave, only for the male to call out to her again, "If it isn't a bother, I was wondering if you could show me to the training area, I'm a bit lost."

(Y/n) looked over her shoulder and sighed, nodding in agreement she crossed her arms over her chest and waited until while the male walked in the changing rooms with his suit case. Seriously she was already late and now she was going to be even more late because of this new male. Her patience was being tested as she impatiently tapped her foot on the ground, until she heard the door creak open.

"Sorry." He said, closing the door.

(Y/n) shook her head, and started to walk down the hallway as the male behind her followed after her. There was an awkward silence between the two, the only sound where the taps of there shoes on the cold metal floor. She quickly made it to 2 big doors and she could clearly hear the loud laughter of Inasa from inside.

"(Y/n)! You're here!" Inasa exclaimed walking over to the girl with wide arms about to embrace her, only for someone to pull him back.

"Come on Inasa, she doesn't like being touched remember." Tsubaka said, scolding the energetic male lazily, "(y/n) how are you feeling?" He asked, giving her a warm lazy smile.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) said, "sorry for being late..." she looked at him, Tsubaka looked a bit different. "Why do you look different today?"

"Oh?" He said, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, "I forgot to tie my hair today, I was too lazy to do it. Do I look weird?"

(Y/n) sighed in defeat, "you look fine, it doesn't matter anyways

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(Y/n) sighed in defeat, "you look fine, it doesn't matter anyways."

"Oh Hotaro you're here!" Tsubaka and (y/n) turned to see Inasa greeting the other male that was standing awkwardly at the door with a stern face.

He bowed slightly, "sorry I was late, I got a bit lost but she helped me find the way here." He said pointing at (y/n). "My apologies, I wasn't able to introduce myself, My name is Hotaro Naoki, I just transferred here last week."

Tsubaka slightly glared at the newcomer, wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s neck tightly, placing his head on top of hers. "TsubakaI can't breath." (Y/n)'s voice muffled by the sleeve of his sweater.

"(Y/n)-chan~" a happy voice spoke out as the said girl felt a pair of arms wrap around her arm.

"Oh Camie senpai how are you." (Y/n) asked looking down at the blonde girl who smiled at her widely.

"I'm doing well. I heard what happened I-Island, are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." The masked girl said, "what were you guys training anyways? The retake is coming up soon."

"Oh we were just fighting with the robots from UA's entrance exam." Inasa said, pointing at the numerous robots that were slowly closing down on them. "But Tsubaka was having a hard time without you."

"No I wasn't I was doing just fine." Tsubaka pouted, "come on, we're almost done, after this we're going to do some combat training with the other second years."

(Y/n) sighed, "I just bandaged my fingers though.." she said, pulling at the bandages wrapped around her hands, "I guess this won't do." She said, tossing the bandages over her shoulder, wiggling her fingers around her in the air as everyone got into position.

"After this I'll wrap them up for you." Tsubaka chuckled, taking a stance next to her.

(Y/n) placed a hand on the ground, slightly wincing at the contact, "total drainage." Bright purple veins appeared on the ground, wrapping around the robots in front of her, draining their energy as their limp mechanic bodies fell onto the ground. The glass spheres around her wrist glowed bright purple, filling up with energy.

She stretched out her hand forming a glowing purple ball of energy at her palm, ready to flick it towards a robot as she closed on of her eyes harshly, feeling her fingers slightly open up once again. But before she could attack, the robot was slashed in half, falling to the ground in pieces. She looked up to see Hotaro floating in the air with two machine arms stretching out from where his hands would be.

He landed close by next to her, looking down at her hands, the ball of energy slowly starting to disappear into her hand, to reveal the still fresh cuts on her fingers

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He landed close by next to her, looking down at her hands, the ball of energy slowly starting to disappear into her hand, to reveal the still fresh cuts on her fingers. "Are you alright?" His deep voice asked.

"Yeah... uh I'm fine." She muttered, "you didn't have to do that, I was fine."

His emotionless eyes still on her hands. "Your hands say otherwise."

"I said I'm fine." (Y/n) grumbled, not in the mood to interact with the strange male next to her.

"Wait." He reached out a hand towards her, "I never got your name."

(Y/n) sighed, rubbing her temples to ease the headache that was slowly starting to form. "(L/n). (L/n) (Y/n)."

Hotaro's eyes widened as (y/n) spoke out her name.

"now will you please focus on your portion of the training so I can focus on mine." She said, turning around to go to another part of the arena, away from the dark bluish grey haired male who stood there awkwardly in the middle of the field. Tsubaka glanced over his shoulder to look at the (h/c) haired girl who had stormed off, slightly narrowing his eyes at the new kid.

(IF YOU REMEMBER WHO HE IS YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE GOD! If you need help figuring it out I recommend reading chapters 33-35 where we dove into (y/n)'s past)

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