Chapter 7

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"I'm just saying, if you like her, ask her to the dance," Lucas says to Kylee as they walk down the school halls. Kylee was starting to get annoyed at Lucas's persistency.

"I don't like her. I just like her a little more than I like you" Kylee defends herself. Kylee knows that she doesn't have a crush on Maya Hart but everyone was so sure that she did. They were just friends, right?

"Yeah right. She is wrapped around your finger"

"No she isn't"

"No? Well when y'all two get together, I'm going to be the first to say 'I told you so'"

Kylee shakes her head in denial.

"Hey guys" Lucas greets walking down the stairs. Kylee is right by his side.

"Lucas" Riley says with her hand raised.

"Hand" Maya says bored.

"Lucas" Riley says again with her hand down.

"Grown-up voice"

"Lucas, hello" Riley flirts?

"Hey" Lucas says again.

"Hey, hee-haw. You going to tick-tock shake your body time?" Maya jokes. "Cause you know it's not a square-dance so not gonna be a lot of do si doin"

"Well then I'm sure I'll have no idea what to do and you can make fun of me," Lucas says taking a step closer to Maya. Maya points a finger at him.

"You aren't playing this right"

"Well that certainly isn't my intention. I'll try harder next time." Lucas wiggles her finger. Kylee watches the whole interaction amused.

Kylee takes a deep breath and walks up to Maya. Riley and Lucas have their own conversation.

"Hey blondie" Kylee greets.

"Sup Kylee" Maya suddenly feels shy but doesn't show it.

"Are you going to the dance tonight?" Kylee asks.

"Thinking about it" Maya says.

Kylee nods her head, "If you do decide to come, save me a dance?"

Maya's smile widens, "of course"

Kylee gives the girl a small smile and heads to class, her heart beating out of her chest.

In class, Mr.Matthew assigns the class a test on Darwin and Finches and whatever. Kylee was confused since this was in the biology syllabus but took the test anyway. After an hour of taking the test, the bell rings.

Kylee grabs her backpack and leaves the classroom, waiting on Lucas.

"Got any plans for today?" Lucas asks as they head to there next class.

"Uh yeah surprisingly. I have to go to the Matthews house and babysit Auggie until Mrs.Matthews gets home."

The school day dreads on and after 7 hours it is finally over. Kylee picks Auggie up from his school. They walk down the sidewalk, well, Kylee walks. Auggie skips and jumps as he talks about his day at school and how his father gave him the title of spy.

Making it to the Matthews' apartment, Kylee gives Auggie a snack and cleans up around the kitchen and started the living room when Mrs.Matthews arrives. Kylee was going to take her leave when Auggie begged her to read with him. So that's how Kylee ended up sitting on the couch reading a book called 'Animal Stories' with Auggie and Mrs.Matthews.

Riley marched into the living room. "Mom can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me a question" Auggie states jumping up from the couch.

"It's a girl thing Auggie"

"You think I don't know about girls?"

"Okay, I'm at a certain age when-"

"I don't care" Auggie leaves and goes into his room, Riley takes his seat on the couch. Kylee scoots over.

"You're at a certain age when?" Mrs.Matthews asks.

"You had to know this was going to happen," Riley says.

"I know a lot of things are going to happen. Which one is this?"


"Oh good" Mrs.Matthews smiles.

"Alright Mrs.Matthews, I'm going to head out now that Auggie is in his room" Kylee says standing up from where she was sitting.

"Thank you for your help today," Mrs.Matthews says handing Kylee two 20 dollar bills. Kylee smiles softly at the woman and whispers 'Anytime' before leaving the apartment and heading to her own.

Unlocking the door Kylee is greeted by silence. It's been a couple weeks since the young middle schooler has last truly seen her mother. Her mother is like a whisper of smoke.

She is once dark grey but vanishes into the air the only thing left is the smell. Kylee hears the front door open late at night and early in the morning. The only thing letting Kylee know that her mother was actually there is a small stack of cash and a sticky note telling to have a good day at school.

With a sigh, Kylee makes herself a sandwich and watches Netflix until she falls asleep under the moon and stars.

Like, Comment, Vote. Hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for the wait

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