C.1 Cold streets

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The smog was so thick that morning that even the store owners couldn't see the stores across the street, and it was the perfect time to steal for supplies.

He lowered his head and when he was close enough to the bread pack he swooped it quickly and hid it under his oversized shirt, proceeding to walk a little bit faster before they knew what was taken.

The boy made his way to his alley, but a man bumped to him and he had enough time to feel the wallet on his coat. He felt tempted to steal it but he shouldn't because 'you only get what you need, nothing more nothing less.' he remembered an old woman said in his first few days here.

The man asked "I am so sorry, are you alright." he tightened his grip on his shirt and remembered that he had the bread so he just nodded along and ran back to the alley.

It wasn't like he liked stealing from people, he only did what he did to make sure he lives to see the next day and that was it. Besides he only stole bread, the clothes he got were from the boxes placed next the dumpster filled with worn out clothes.

Hearing shivers in the streets was quite normal at this time of year but there was another noise he heard coming from the back of the dumpster, there was another person here!

He quickly ran to the person and the closer he got the louder the breathing was, until he was face to face with the man, well at least the sound of the breathing, "Get away from me." the man said

Instead of doing what he was told to do, he began to touch his body "What are you doing?!" he ignored the push, the chest and stomach were fine—he didn't hear any cries of pain from the man when he pressed his hand nor did he feel any liquid that could be blood.

He checked the arms and they were normal but the moment he touched the legs he felt something stick on the left leg, He got up and quickly began to find the alcohol bottle but when he shook it there was little left, Damn he must have used it up last time.

So instead of washing the wound with alcohol he grabbed the cleanest cloth in the new batch that was dumped yesterday and tore it in half, the man seemed to grow quiet but he was still breathing so that's good. He folded the half and proceeded to clean the wound with what little alcohol he had.

The man try to move his leg away but he held it down the best he could, by the time that the cleaning was finished he wrapped the other half around his leg tight earning a small groan from the man.

He got of the man and began to search for the bread he dropped when he ran to him. He felt the plastic and ran back to the dumpster, Opening the plastic he took out a loaf and held it over to the other person.

the man grabbed the bread and gave a small 'thank you' in return. The boy only nodded as he sat down next to him.

After eating the two sat in silence and after a while the man got curious so he asked "What's your name?" the boy quickly replied with "Don't have one." the man went silent but spoke up again "My name is Tom Riddle but you can call me Tom." again the boy only nodded.

The two slept huddled together to keep each other warm from the harsh cold of the wind, then when the next dawn comes the boy always stood up to get some food for the both of them, Tom felt disgusted with himself for being dependent on a small child who he didn't even know, and he was blind for merlin's sake!

But the boy didn't seem to mind, even when he tried to come with him the other only pushed him down, shaking his head "Don't move." so he sat there and waited every morning, it become their daily routine, there was little words exchanged between them

What it is to see...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora