Birthday Girl (Chapter Sixteen)

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Ali's POV
I woke up and it was a Saturday so no school and it is my birthday! I go downstairs to get something to eat and find Liam and Zach up already. The say happy birthday and I thank them. Liam passes me a box to open. I open and and smile immediately when I see what is inside. He got me a new mic! My other mic is a piece of shit and I wanted another one for a while.

"Thanks." I say hugging him.
"No problem, you wanted it and needed it as well." He replied.
"Yeah now your voice won't sound like crap in videos!" Zach yells.
"Oh thanks I love you too." I say sarcasticly.

He then passes me a box as well and I open it. I am smile when I look inside. It is a charm bracelet with an 8-bit heart on it.

"Thanks." I say hugging him as well.
"You're welcome." He says hugging back.
"How about we all go out for breakfast?" Liam says.
"Sure where to?" I ask.
"Chipotle." Liam states.
"Of course you pick Chipotle." I say laughing.

We go to eat and come return to the house to actually get dressed. Yes we went out in our pjs. Liam and Zach said that they wanted to take me to the movies to watch the Hobbit. I agreed so we all went to watch it.


The movie just finished and it was awesome. We are driving home and are going to order a pizza and Riley is coming over.
When we get home we order the pizza and 10 minutes Riley is here. I greet her and she says happy birthday. I introduce her to Zach and then we both sit on the couch.

"So you know the guy I met in the UK, Will." Riley says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Well we are dating." She says.
"That's awesome!" I reply.
"Did I hear something about a Will that lives in the UK?" Zach asks.
"Yeah. Why?" Riley asks.
"Ali could that be William Shakespeare?" He asks.
"Well I don't know there is probably a lot of Wills in the UK." I reply.
"Yeah but Will did say he got a girlfriend." He says.
"What is going on?" Riley asks sounding very confused.
"I will explain in a second, what is his number Riley?" I ask and she reads it off to me.
"Yep that's Will." Zach says.
"Now can you answer my question?" Riley asks.
"Yes. We know Will from the Cube." Zach says.
"Oh okay thanks for explaining that."

The pizza comes and we all talk and hang out for a while and also annoy Riley about Will. This has probably been my best birthday yet.

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