Operation Solin [Part One]

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Series: S1 OoO (Origin of Olympus)

Type: Friend to Lover

Plane: Solin (Seekah x Colin) & slightly Ari  ( Bri x Austin)

Plot: Austin and Bri found out the oldest son of Ares have a crush on a certain Hermes boy.

Trigger: Panic attack and I start to lazy at the end (will tell these events happened)


The older son of Ares was walking around camp without the company of a certain Hermes child. This is unusual as the Ares child would always be in company of the baby Hermes brothers. Seekah keep on glancing behind him as if someone was going to hurt him.

Concerned, Bri interrupted Austin talk about how people who are colorblind are actually seeing the world the right colors while we are the one who are colorblind. "Hey do you think the Son of Ares is alright?" Austin look at Seekah who was looking before a house, yelled, "HEY ARE YOU OK!!!"

The child of war dash off. Austin being the idiot he is chase after Seekah. "Are we playing tag! I love tag!" Bri mental face slap herself at the idiot son of Apollo before chasing after the two demigods.

The game of tag continued on for 3 hours. It only stop because Seekah was staring at a poster in front of the cafeteria. The poster was about the upcoming Aphrodite's Ball work by Bri and her brother Bryan.

Bri sniff at the aroma of the demigod. Being the child of the goddess of love, Bri have the ability to smell when somebody is in love and feel jealous, doubt, or scare due to love. (She can also release her own aroma that caused people to calm down. Though it does not seem to even scratch a bit of Austin's enthusiastic.) The eldest son of Ares's aroma have all of it.

Austin walk toward the inattentive demigod. Austin shout in joy when he said the poster, "A ball! I love baseball! So does Fred!" He placed down a stuffed teddy bear. "Right Fred!"

Seekah's ears was ringing. He could not hear Austin taking to his teddy bear. He took some of that things that heal and strengthen demigod from his backpack. After five minutes, the affect of it come to. But the young demigod believe it does not work. Because he could not just heard the son of Apollo having a serious conversation about winning baseball with a stuffed animal. A stuffed animal.

"Ummm is he taking to that stuffed bear or my ears are too damage that I cannot hear anymore," Seekah asked the pink haired demigod. Bri just give me a look that tell him this was daily occurs.

"This is going to be so much fun! Team Ari vs Team Solin!" Austin shouted. Seekah let out a small huh.

Austin look at demigod as if he is the biggest idiot in the world. "You know Team Ari as in me and Bri and Team Solin you and Papa Bear's brother who is my uncle."

Bri quickly explain what the Son of Apollo is saying in a way normal people like them could understand. "Team Ari is the combination of Austin and my name. Team Solin is you and Ritchie's brother, Colin."

"B-but this is not a baseball game," Seekah said hesitantly. "WHAT!" Austin scream loudly.

Hades in his domain, "The annoyed Son of Apollo is at it again. I cannot wait until my boy Xylo kill him."

Warning: Panic attack

Seekah flitches and slowly back away to the wall, body shaking like a rattle toy. He clutch his heart and slowly drop down to the ground. He look like he having to trouble breath. The two demigods look at each other in shock that the son of a God of War be frighten easily. Even though they heard from Colin's story that Seek was the not usual stereotype of a child of Ares.

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