18-Crazy=Genius & Teacher

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This chapter reminds me of this song- "Crazy=Genius" by Panic!AtTheDisco
"Teacher" by PRETTYMUCH

Zero's POV:
I yelp as I hide behind Five immediately seeing someone when we land.... "Shit..." Five whispers out as I grab onto his waist behind him letting him know I'm still there.... "Well well well!" I hear an all to happy voice coo from in front of Five... I peak out and it's the Handler... she smirks at me, "No need to hide..." she sounds so misleading it sends shivers down my spine... but I stand up tall and Give grabs my waist pulling me towards him... I look quickly at him... he's got his pants on but they are undone and his belt hangs around his waist... his chest is bare with blood, and hickeys all over... his hair is a mess... and I can see my scratch marks on his shoulders... I'm not much better thou... I'm only in his black shirt, covered in blood, and hickeys and my hairs a mess as well.... I sigh and Five looks down at me.... I can feel his worry as he grabs onto me tighter.....

"We completed our mission.." he states so monotone... he's clearly trying to give her nothing to go off of.... but she just waved her finger at us tisking... "my darlings... if crazy equals genius.." I shake my head at her standing in front of him... as he continues... "you are going to end up hurt... both of you... your assassins not lovers... Five..." Five is quick to reply... "Her love is a sweet butter knife..." he says smiling down at me... I step forward pointing a finger at her... yelling at her "and if crazy equals genius then I'm a fucking arsonist!" Five laughs at me clearly proud... the Handler just sighs at us... "fine, have it your way but don't say I don't warn you..." she walks back to her desk and sits down.. "oh to be in love... you two may leave... oh but Five? just try and make sure she can still walk tonight... I have another mission for you two.... I'll call you when it's time.." Five smirks a bit as I push him away trying to walk as I plummet straight to the floor, he catches me of course laughing at me and we head out the door.... we're to tired to teleport so we just walk back to his room....

Five's POV:
Well shit I guess that could have gone worse?Zero must have heard my thoughts as I hear her reply to me, "at least we didn't get sent back in the middle of you thrusting into me..." she giggles and I can't help but laugh as well... she's damn right......that could have gone way worse.... I would say we should try and be more careful but what's the fun in that? "Agreed... let's never be careful babe, We love some danger..." She smirks as I hear her in my head... I wink down at her agreeing as we head into my room and i turn on the shower for Zero... "are you coming in?" She asks at me ever so sweetly as she throws off my shirt... I kiss her quickly on the forehead... "sorry my love not right now... I want to try and finish the equations..." she frowns at me but nods... as she hops in the shower, she tells me "when I'm done we can switch." I nod and head towards the walls... where were we equations..... I'm so focused I barely notice as Zero stands next to me on a table... she touches my shoulder & out reaches her hand for the chalk, "your turn." She says smiling and I kiss her on the lips quickly... she's wearing just a big hoodie and I can see her lotus tattoos on her thigh.. how I love her tattoos..."thank you." I yell at her as I run off to wash off the blood... when I get out I throw on some pants and plain white tee and head back over to her... she looks so adorable as she furrows her brow trying to figure out what's wrong... I hear her sigh in frustration... I teleport next to her and place my hand on hers pressing my chest against her back and whisper in her ear... "try this.." I guide her hand to write an equation and it works... she smiles back at me and kisses me hard... I smile feeling her soft lips pressed against mine...she smirks looking up into my eyes..."you could be my teacher...." I chuckle at her and kiss her neck softly... "I can be more than just your teacher baby..... I can be your lover too..." she moans into my kisses and cups my face in her hands.... "you are everything to me." She says as he eyes glow lilac again... I sigh staring into her lilac eyes... when her eyes glow lilac... I feel like every problem in the world fades away....

Zero's POV:
He's so adorable... I stare into his blue eyes...I feel like I could live here forever.... He kisses me in reply to what I said and I hear him in my head... "right back at ya babygirl... now let's finish these calculations before our next mission..." I nod and hand him the chalk, plopping down onto the bed.... I daze off watching him work as he explains everything to me... I sort of understand? But not really... then he yells "Holy shit that's it!" I spring up to him and he shows me the right calculation.... "ahhh now that makes sense!" I smile up at him... finally something in these equations makes sense!!!!... he smiles back proudly... "What do you say sunshine... wanna get out of here tonight?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I can't help but squeal in excitement... he wraps me in a great big bear hug and I feel the love in his aura...... we stay there for a bit before we hear a knock on the door.... "jump" he says, so I instantly jump and he grabs my waist... I wrap my legs around his waist... he walks to the door with me attached & it's the handler...

"You two get more adorable every second." She practically hisses out... I think she's jealous of me... haha he's mine... "So what's our mission?" I ask trying to not sound rude... she smiles and hands us a bag... Five takes it with one hand, as the Handler continues... "Your mission tonight will be to subtly kill off Helena Muster & Dustin Muster... they will be attending a gala." Five looks into the bag and I peek in as well... the Handler chuckles at us.. "don't worry I gave you both plenty of outfit options..." I actually for once an grateful & I smile up at her "thank you." I say and she looks a bit taken back by my genuine thanks... with that she smiles and leaves... Five closes the door and teleports us to the bed. He empty's the giant bag and smiles up at me... "Let's go dancing baby..."

Addicted to Love 1: Five x ZeroNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ