Arms Tonite

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Arms Tonite

Blake Pretova

I always thought all stories ended in a happy ending.

Yes, there tragic stories out there but I never thought it will come true.

Did I take everything for granted maybe?

We both did I never understood.

Everything was black and white and I was too naive to realize it was color.

This is our story.

Draco Malfoy

Maybe I chose the wrong side.

It landed me where I am today.

It was too simple of a choice yet I didn't take it.

never thought to be stuck in a muggle book until I was.

Yet the color was always there I was too blind to see it.

She showed me the color while she lost it.

Never notice until it was there and was gone with a second.

Hey Welcome to Arms Tonite

A draco Malfoy fan fic

Sofia Bryant as Blake Pretova

Lucky blue smith as Draco Malfoy

(We don't stand T*m)

Set in both Blake Pretova and Draco Malfoy's perspectives.

Its short story meaning chapters are going to consist of 300 words or less I don't know. I feel like it is going to sound like those y/n stories but I'm going to try.

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