Random hcs

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random things I think team voltron does.


Lance adores and used to practically live off Monster energy drinks, and cries the first time he has one after coming back to Earth because he missed them so much

Pidge is really fucking picky

Lance isn't picky, but is polite about foods he doesn't like, and will generally still eat them if he has too.

Hunk will feed Kosmo any extra leftover ingredients from his cooking, Keith has no idea why Kosmo likes Hunk so much.

Shiro, Lance and Pidge are prank masters.

While living on Earth Coran goes vegetarian after seeing the animals on Earth and how they aren't dangerous.

Colleen, (Pidge's mom) teaches Allura how to garden, they become good friends and gossip a lot.

The whole team help out uncomfortable girls get away from creepy dudes all the time because who wants to try to fight Voltron or any friends of them?

Pidge likes My Little Pony but will never tell anyone.

Coran has a rock from every planet he's visited, he has a name for every rock and remembers all of them.

Shiro doesn't like spicy food and Keith makes fun of him for it.

Lance and Allura love watching reality TV and soap operas together, Keith and Pidge watch horror shows and movies together and Hunk, Shiro and Coran watch friendly shows like the Great British bake off and Steven Universe.

Lance and Coran love just about every type of music and like to share their favorite artists with each other, or listen to music together.

Because of this Lance starts to learn Altean the only one on the team who does, and will sometimes say things in the language and nobody but Coran and Allura understand him.

Everyone on the team loves Halloween, they go all out, doing elaborate group costumes.

Pidge and Lance both used to have braces and have to wear retainers at night.

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