💔- The Wonder Of You (Medic x reader)

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(I highly recommend playing "The Wonder of You" by Elvis cause holy shit that song gave me so much ideas on this story. Anyways yeah angst time wooooo. Have fun crying or not)

(Warning: Self harm, Suicide, gorey details)

You liked Medic for a long long time. Ever since you met him, you felt afraid but slowly started to get comfortable with him, which started your love for him. As you and Medic sit down on the roof, you heard your favorite song play on the radio. It was "The Wonder of You" by Elvis Presley. "This song was always my favorite. It's beautiful." You told Medic as you stared off to the horizon. The sky looked beautiful. "Ja. It really does zound beautivul" He said to you. He looked at you and couldn't help but admire your beautiful eyes. He really loved you. You don't know it but he wants to ask you out and protect you with all your life.
"I guess I'll never know the reason why you love me as you do..."

He held your hand. You looked at him as your eyes sparkle.

"That's  the wonder..."

He held your face and came in closer and closer. You knew were this was going. You didn't stop him. You blushed as your eyes close.

"The wonder of you!"

He kissed you and you kissed back. You both kissed ever so passionately. The song ends and you both break away from the kiss. You blush madly and stared at his eyes. "Shatz....I've loved you for a long time now...I vant you to be mine." He said to you. You smile at him. "Of course I'll be yours, Ludwig." You said.
After that you guys were a thing, cuddles here and there, kisses everyday, it was amazing but...it didn't help with your mental health. You had ptsd. You couldn't stop getting these images out of your head. You couldn't stop hearing the noises you heard before. You almost killed your teammates because of this. Medic was the only one who kept you somewhat sane. But you had enough. You started to plan your suicide. You couldn't exactly die because of respawn but you found out where your chip was so you decided to plan on getting it off.

Today was the day. Today was the day when you died. This is the day where you can no longer feel this way anymore. You first started to cut open your arm. It hurt. So much. Blood was starting to drop massively. Like a waterfall. You went to dig for the chip. You saw how your bone stared to show more and more as you kept digging for the chip. After digging for the chip you took it out. You felt weak. So so weak. You could barely stand up. But you did. You already had the noose up there so all you had to do was get up your bed and hang yourself. You weakly climbed on your bed. Blood staining your sheets. Blood everywhere. You stood in front of the noose. You wanted this to happen but you thought about Medic. What will he do? How will he react? Will he cry or scream? You forgot about Medic during this process you didn't know how he will react. You were hesitant now. No. You were gonna die anyways due to blood loss. You put the rope around your neck. You felt so much pain. You couldn't breathe as you jumped down from your bed. You didn't fight back. You died.

Medic got worried since you didn't come to eat dinner so he decided to come visit your dorm. He knocked on your door. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. He only heard "The Wonder of You" muffled behind the door. He opened your door.

"I guess I'll never know the reason why you love me the way you do."

He couldn't believe what he saw

"That's the wonder..."

He wanted to vomit. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

"The wonder of you!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" He stared to scream, cry, and bang his fists on the floor. Everyone came in the room worried of what the screaming was. "Hey medic are you okay-?"
They all saw the scene. They didn't want to believe that this was real. It couldn't be real. Scout started to gag and throw up. They all stared at your soulless eyes and your cut up arm. After that incident, Medic wasn't the same. I mean who wouldn't be the same after seeing something like that. He kept on playing "The Wonder of You". The song reminded him about you. It was killing him slowly. He couldn't live without you. Everyone else missed you too. Scout didn't want to believe you were dead. You guys were great friends. Best friends. Pyro didn't understand what happened. He took off his mask at the scene and cried massively. He didn't want to take off his mask ever again. He feared of seeing another person die in reality. Nobody couldn't sleep. They couldn't fight. As for Medic, he couldn't stop crying. He loved you so much. It hurts him. He couldn't find a reason to get out of his bed. One day though, he couldn't take it anymore. He carefully took off his chip. Blood flowing down his open arm. The same way the blood went down from your arm. He took a revolver up to his head. He misses you. He wants to see you again. This is the only way he can ever see you. He sighed. Looking at a sad Archimedes. "I'm sorry Archimedes. I need to zee her again." His open arm doesn't hurt as much as he feels right now. He felt so numb. The only way he can be happy is to see you again. He pointed the gun onto his head. "I'm coming shatz. I'm coming."
He played "The Wonder of You" one last time.
He looked up, crying. Wishing he didn't have to do this. But he wanted to see you again.

"I guess I'll never know the reason why you love me the way you do."

He sighed and looked back down again

"That's the wonder..."

He smiled to himself.

"The wonder of you!"


Pieces of his brain were scattered around the floor. A big hole formed on his head as he started to bleed massively. Everyone ran to his lab to see what the noise was. They had the same reaction they had when they saw your death. This time though, scout, demo, and spy vomited at the scene. Heavy rushed over to Medic and began to scream. They lost their specialist and their medic. They will never forget the days that you both died on. They won't see your rooms as the same ever again.

At least you and Medic were together now. Dancing away into the light. Holding each other close. Smiling, laughing.

You both were finally happy.


(Sorry if this was long lmao. Worked on this in class so it was fun to just visibly cry. Anyways hopefully you guys liked this story. Maybe I'll do smut next who knows lol. Have a great day and don't forget to request anything you guys want me to write.💖)

Word count: 1220 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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