Dirk x Mechanic! Reader

Start from the beginning

After some talking, Quint, June, and Jack headed out to get the broken pieces of the add-ons…. and the ones that came off completely. Dirk stayed behind with you, because ‘he can help… maybe’ as Jack said. You were busy taking care of the fire hydrant bumps and bruises, when Dirk strolled his way over to you. “How do you know all of this stuff?” He asked, but quickly continued, “about fixing cars, I mean.” As you continued to fix the dents, popping out the body with a plunger-like tool, you told him. “Well, my dad was a mechanic. I hung around here a lot, and I eventually got to help around. So, I know a lot of stuff now. Which is lucky for you guys, cause it seems like the driver…. isn’t the best.” Dirk laughed, which you smiled at. “Yeah, he’s terrible. If this whole apocalypse thing didn’t happen and he got his driver’s permit, I’d be scared to even walk on the sidewalk. Don’t tell him I said that though.” You looked over to him, and made a zipping motion over your lips, adding on a zipping noise. He smiled at you, as he watched you fix up the car. Eventually, you had repaired the body, and now you just needed to do the side-view mirror and the roof. So, you got to work on the easier one. The mirror. You re-connected broken wires, soldered parts together, replaced the shattered mirror, and when you were just about done, you couldn’t get the part to pop in place. You tried, but it just… didn’t go in. So, you huffed and turned to the possibly-too-beefy-for-his-age teen, who was looking… at a screwdriver? Weird. But, anyways, you called out to him. “Hey, uh- Dirk- right?” He nodded, and let you continue speaking. “Do you think you can pop this in place for me? I can’t get it.” He put the screwdriver down, and walked over to where you were. “Yeah, I can do that. How do I do it though. I don’t wanna mess it up again.” Your heart fluttered at his words, whether it was normal for him to be this caring or not, you cared. “Just, pop it in. Like a puzzle piece that won’t fit in, just.. push it in until it matches up.” He nodded as you handed him the part, wires still hanging from it to the vehicle. You watched him as he easily popped the piece in place, a small noise coming from the car signaling it was put in alright. He backed away from the car, looking to make sure he actually put it in. “Hey, good job! You put it in perfectly.” You smiled and rested your arm on his shoulder… kind of… he was too tall. BUT, he smiled back at you, a small blush forming on his cheeks. He was about to say his thanks, when the garage door opened, signaling the three were back. They were hugging the parts to their bodies as Jack quickly shut the door yet again. You watched as they put the parts carefully down and made their way over to Dirk, You, and Big Mamma. “Woah! You patched her up really well!” Quint excitedly said, examining your work. “Oh, it’s no big deal. And I'm not even finished yet! I’ve gotta do the roof.” The three nodded, and then you all got back to work… or lounging around like Dirk and June were doing currently.

It was late at night when you and Quint finished fixing up the car. You yawned, resting your body on the side of the car as you rubbed your eyes slightly. Quint hopped down from the roof, startling you as he landed right by your side. You were 100% awake now, and you looked at the boy. “It’s all patched up! Thank you for helping us fix it, friend.” You smiled, shrugging. “Once again, it’s no big problem.” Quint then got to thinking. “Wait, so… have you been living in this shop?” He asked, looking over to you as you both sat down on a waiting bench. “Yeah, I sleep in the office room. It’s safe in there, but cold and boring.” You shrugged, kicking your feet on the floor slightly. The other three were asleep, so you tried to stay quiet though. “Hmm. Well, If you wanted to, you could come live with us in our tree-house.” Quint said, looking over to you and holding his hands together. “I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t mind. They seemed to like you. In fact, I think June would like having another girl with us.” You thought about it for a second, but quickly you realized how much more fun it’d be than staying in a rusty old car shop. “If you’re sure they won’t mind, I’d love to.” You both smiled at each other, but soon looked back to the floor. There was an extremely awkward silence until you spoke up. “So, uhm… I don’t wanna come off as too weird or whatever.. but uhm-” Quint looked at you, raising an eyebrow in question. “Is Dirk usually all soft? Cause he doesn’t look like he would be.” Quint shrugged a bit. “Well, it depends on the topic. He likes gardening and stuff to deal with different kinds of vegetation, but usually he likes to put on the tough act. Why do you ask?” You blushed lightly, but luckily the flickering lights and the dim atmosphere hid it well. “He was being all quiet with me. And I asked him to pop in the broken side-view-mirror, which he did instantly and without question. He even asked to make sure he was doing it right to not potentially break it again, and make me re-do it all.” Quint hummed. “Well, it could be because you’re new and he doesn’t really know you yet, on the other hand-” Suddenly, one of the three sleeping bodies moved and he dropped dead silent. When the moving stopped, he continued. “On the other hand, he could potentially think you’re attractive. Which, by what he has described as attractive I think that’d be the case.” You thought about Quint’s words, as a deep blush formed on your cheeks. While you never thought you’d like someone with a mullet, he did give you a fluffy feeling in your chest. Unbeknownst to you, you were letting out quiet squeaking sounds, which really confused Quint. “Are you alright there friend?” He asked, and you jumped a bit. “Yeah! I’m good. Just- stunned a bit is all.” Quint nodded, and yawned. “We should get to bed. In the morning I’ll talk to the others about you coming with us to the treehouse.” You nodded as he got up, and you laid down on the bench.

Voices startled you awake, however you quickly remembered who they belonged to. You stood, and walked over to where the others were. Suddenly, you were jolted back as someone’s arms wrapped around you. “Good morning (y/n)! You have no idea how excited I am to have another girl around here!” You giggled, hugging back lightly as you responded. “Oh, I forgot about that.” She broke off the hug, and you stared at the others. “If it really doesn’t bother you, I’d love to come to the treehouse with you. It’s boring here.” The two males who you haven’t gotten confirmation from quickly replied with kind words, saying they didn’t really care and they’d enjoy making a new friend. And so, with that, you packed up your stuff, hoisted it into the back of big mama and secured it down, and climbed into the back seat of big mama. Of course, you were in the middle. Luckily, there was enough breathing room so you weren’t too squished. When the car pulled up to the treehouse you gasped. It was just.. so cool! You all got out, as you admired the place you were going to be living in. Your thoughts were snapped back into reality when you heard a growling from behind you. You quickly turned around in fear, seeing a big, blue canine-like monster. A scream threatened its way out of your lungs, when Jack hurried over to you and called to the beast. “Rover! Rover! Calm down, boy. She’s a new friend of ours.” Once hearing those words, the beast seemed to turn into a puppy. Its tongue rolled out of its mouth, and put its head closer to you. You pet the blue beast, seeing it’s fur was soft and fluffy. It licked you, leaving you stunned, and Jack laughed in response. “Yeah, don’t let him get too close to your face. He’s a slobber monster. Now, c’mon! We’ve gotta show you your room.” As you made your way up the treehouse, you smiled. You’ve got three new friends, a potential lover, a beast-dog, a nice home, and an exciting adventure just waiting for you. What could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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