Chapter 13

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I woke up to the rain pouring down on my face. I sat up and saw my legs and one of my arms were gone. They're slowly healing. It'll probably take 7 hours for them to back to normal. I looked to my side and saw Levi not that far from me. But there was one thing. Where's Zeke? Did he die and blow up to pieces? From a distance I could see people on horses. Once they got closer I could see Hange. They quickly ran to Levi and me. "Hey are you guys alive?!" Hange said lifting up Levi then going towards me. I looked at Levi and he was not in good shape. "His dead." Hange said. Wait that's not true. He has a pulse. "Good, at least we have no one to worry about. Now Hange let go of y/n. We need her and her power." The ken doll said. "I can't do that Floch." Hange said squeezing me tighter. Are they protecting me?

   Floch then pointed a gun to Hange's head. I don't know what it was but a felt something spark in my head. I then felt myself healing faster then usual then looked at my hands and leg to notice that they were back to normal. What the hell. I then saw something from far away. I then saw a figure appear but then Hange said "Hang on!" then went into the river with me and Levi.

~ small time skip brought to you by Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter ~

After a little while Hange pulled themselves up a shore then helped me and Levi. "What happened back there?" Hange asked putting Levi on their back. I sighed then explained everything to Hange. "Well the good thing is that you and Levi are safe." Hange said smiling. I simple nodded then started to walk into the forest. I then heard a big bang from far away. "Hey did you hear that?" I asked looking towards the area the bang came from. "Yeah...I was about to say something as well." Hange said. "You wanna go check it out?" I asked. "Sure." Hange said then started walking that way with Levi still on their back. We started to walk for a little bit until I heard something I looked up and saw flying boats.

"Don't tell me..." I said under my breath. Why are they here? "Paradis needs my help. I'm going to help them. Hange stay here and take care of Levi." I said getting ready to bite my hand. "WAIT! You going to die out there! It's better if you stay and I help you train." Hange said grabbing my arm. "My job is to protect and help people. Not sit around and watch them die. If I die so be it. Hange I wish but the best for you." I said smiling at them. What if those are my last words. So be it, I don't want to be in this hell anymore. I then pushed Hange away then ran and bit my hand.

Your POV but in titan form

Once I transformed I continued to run towards the wall. Once I got there I kick the barrier down. I then roared then saw Porco. This should be fun. I then got into fighting position ready to fight Porco. I then saw a little from above me. I looked up and saw Reiner falling down. I quickly got out of the way then got knocked away due to the pressure of it. After got up then saw the yeagerists. Shit. I put my hand on a roof the started to sweep my hand though all the roof I could reach. I looked down a saw thunder spears. I got the them then through them landing on different spots the pulled the trigger which made a huge explosion.

I looked at my body and saw blood which wasn't mine and that I was completely fine. I looked up and saw Sasha and Connie. "HEY CAN YOU HEAR US?!" Sasha yelled. "HEY HEALY HURRY UP AND GET UP PARADIS NEEDS YOU!" Connie yelled. I then got up then saw rocks in the corner of my eye. I quickly got Connie and Sasha then duct down. Is that Zeke?! I then peaked my head out and saw Zeke in his titan form. This shouldn't be good. "Not that monkey face again!" Connie whined. "Where the others?" I asked. "Mikasa, Armin, and Jean are fighting off the Marleyans. We came cause we saw you fight the Yeagerists." Sasha said going on my shoulder. "Go join them. I have to go fight the other titan shifters." I said getting up looking at the titan shifters fighting. Sasha and Connie nodded then went to go fight off the Marleyans.

I then put my fists on the ground then scared out "HEAL ALL OF THE FIGHTERS WHO SURVEY FOR THE SCOUTS! HEAL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!"

Hange POV

I heard from a long distance a titan shifter talking in a different language. I would what they're saying. I then saw a little yellow light in the corner of my eye below me. I looked at Levi,who was on the floor because I was about to stitch up, face have light yellow sparkles surround his face and hand. I then saw some of the light going on my face. I took off my eye patch and I started to see again little by little. Is this y/n's power?

Zeke's POV

I looked at y/n once I heard her say something but of course I didn't understand her. I then looked at a ponytail woman who had little yellow sparkles all around her. I then saw that 4 other people have the same little yellow sparkles around them. Is this apart of y/n's power she never told me about? I then started to see y/n start to tremble. Wait...SHE PASSED HER LIMIT! IF SHE DOESNT STOP NOW SHE'LL PASSED OUT FOR A LITTLE WHILE OR WORST SHE'LL DIE!

I must stop her...she can't die right now...


That's it for this chapter. Hoped you enjoyed. See you next time!

The Unexpected Women (Zeke x Fem! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora