Meeting Hawkfrost

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DoeWhisper POV

It was a usual day and ThunderClan was on its way to a gathering. Yippee for me. More socializing. Note the sarcasm. Anyways I made my way over to a secluded tree and carefully listened to the news each leader was giving. Pretty much the usual nothing too interesting. I was just looking down at the ground counting flowers because of how bored I was when my leader FireStar FINALLY did his report on ThunderClan. This dumb gathering was finally over!!! I quickly started walking towards the rest of my clan to go home. I was walking with my head down because of how nervous I naturally was when I walked into a hard surface. I immediately looked up and was met with blue eyes that were full of anger and annoyance. I felt like shrinking back into the ground and crying. "Watch it!" He growled I could tell he was one step from lashing out even more. Struggling to find the words because of my increasing heart rate and the tears brimming my eyes I stuttered "I-Im s-s-so s-sorry I-I-I" I had to look down in order to hide my face but the Tom exhaled causing me to look up and see that his eyes had softened and that his face was full of guilt. I have to admit that surprised me. The brown tabby Tom quickly disappeared back into the crowd as I made my way back to my clan still confused about what happened.

HawkFrost POV

*Stupid gatherings* I thought bitterly. But hey who wouldn't love sitting and listening to dumb leaders talk about their clans which I care nothing about right. Since I had nothing better to do I quickly found my way through the crowd and listened to the idiots talk and talk. After the stupid kitty pet FireStar finished talking I finally started making my way back to my clan when something or someone collided with me. *Watch out stupid fox-dung* I thought. The gathering and the cats had already ticked me off meaning I was in no mood to be messed with. "Watch out" I spat like poison with a low growl rumbling in my throat. However when I looked down and saw her guilt hit me immediately. This tiny brown tabby was trembling below me. Her copper eyes brimming with tears and ears flat against her head. "I-I-I'm s-sorry I-I" she stuttered and I could tell she was very shy and reserved. This tiny thing was cowering underneath me and I could see it in her eyes how broken she was. I couldn't bear to look at her any longer because of how much she reminded me of my younger self so I quickly disappeared within the crowd. I knew right then and there I had to make sure she didn't turn out like me. I had to.

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