Going into Town - CH2

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You helped your new bunny friend to your car you open the door as you placed the bunny down in the seat then put the seatbelt on him he stared at you. "You have wear that.." You said before heading over to the driver side of the car you gotten into your car then put the keys in then started the car. The bunny man was scared of the sound of the car you giggled at his reaction. "It's okay. It's just a car motor." You did not want him being scare of you or your car. As you back out of the drive way heading down the hill as you founded the main road you started driving to nearby town that was five miles from your cabin.

As you pulled into the super market parking lot. You notices Nami's car in the same parking lot you told her you was going shopping. She must wanted get some things herself as you gotten out of the car. Nami came out of the store with her items in her cart you open the door to the front seat as Nami came up to you staring at the strange person in your car. "Y/N? Who this?" She asked as you stared at Nami. "I'm not sure. He don't speak that much. I founded him wounded in the back yard of my cabin." You explained as you removed the seatbelt from Law.

He did not like that strap on him he glared at you as he wasn't happy with the seatbelt. "Sorry bunny man.. It's was keep you safe.." You said with a frown as Nami giggled at the bunny's reaction. "He not human that for sure.." Nami stared at the bunny's man ears and tail that was sticking out of the sweatpants.  You helped Law out of the seat as his feet touched the ground with the boots you give him was women white boots. "You need get him some guys clothes Y/N" Nami smirked at the clothes he was wearing.

"Thanks Nami. I know that.." You blushed as Nami decided to tag along after she put her items into her car. Three of you entered the super market together. "Let go to the mall after this." Nami asked you nodded your head as you bought some food and other things like carrot juice that the bunny man wanted so badly. You bought some rice and fish also it's seem likes Bunny man like those items also. He grabs a carrot shaped pillow from the bin you stared at him. "He like a child Y/N!" Nami was laughing you blushed at Nami's comment.

"Fine I'll get you the pillow" You head to the check out then bought the items Law cling to his pillow as he did not want let it go after you pay for the items you three of you head out of the store together. "I'll meet you at the mall Y/N!" As Nami gotten into her car then head off to the mall. "Do you have a Name? I don't want keep calling you Bunny Man." You asked as you put the items into your car as Law wrote his name in the snow that was fresh on your car's hood. "Your name is Law?" He nodded his head. "My name is Y/N, it's nice meet you." With a smile you help him back in the car he still hated that seatbelt.

As you arrived at the mall you parked next to Nami's car. As you guys gotten out of the car. "Dose your bunny friend have a name?" Nami asked. "His name is Law." As you told Nami the bunny's name. As you three entered the mall together heading to a store that sold men's clothes you had Law try on many different clothes you make sure he liked them he gotten some spotted jeans and black and yellow hoodie he liked. You bought him some underwear also Nami  smirked at you. "You founded him naked did you?" She whisper as your face turned bright red. "S-Shut up Nami!" In half shout you notices he was looking at the hats. You walked over to him as he pointed at the fluffy white black spotted hat. "You want the hat?" You asked he nodded his head as you grabs the hat then bought the items for him.

You and Law returned to your car as he fallen asleep in the front seat you smiled at him he was cute when he was asleep. As you returned home you waken Law who jumped a little bit. "Sorry, We're home Law." He stared at you then back at the house. He removed the seatbelt then gotten out of the car he followed you inside the cabin. As you started making him some food you bought you made him some rice balls and give him a glass of carrot juice also.  "Y/N..." He spoke your name you was shocked that he can speak. 

"T-Thank you.." You smiled at him. "Your welcome Law." As you joined him at the table with your own food also. "C-Can I stay?" He asked. "You can stay with me?" You asked with a shocked look on your face. "Y-Yes" He asked. "I don't mind Law. I wasn't going throw you out anyway." With a smile as he got close to you before laying his head on your shoulder then fallen asleep on your shoulder. You smiled at him letting him sleep on your shoulder as you watch something on TV.

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